Nouns dalam Bahasa Inggris


Hallo, dalam kesempatan kali ini, kita akan membahas tentang Kata Benda dalam Bahasa Inggris. (Hello, on this occasion, we will discuss about noun in English.)

Noun yaitu kata yang berfungsi untuk menyatakan benda, tempat, tumbuhan, hewan, gagasan atau segala sesuatu yang dibendakan dan berfungsi sebagai kata benda. (Noun is word that function to express objects, places, plants, animals, ideas or everything that is objectified and functions as a noun.)

Menurut Merriam Webster, Noun is "a word that is the name of something (such as a person, animal, place, thing, quality, idea, or action) and is typically used in a sentence as subject or object of a verb or as object of a preposition". (According to Merriam Webster, Noun is "a word that is the name of something (such as a person, animal, place, thing, quality, idea, or action) and is typically used in a sentence as subject or object of a verb or as object of a preposition")

Macam-macam Nouns (Kinds of nouns)

Dalam Bahasa Inggris ada 5 (Lima) macam kata benda, yaitu: (In English there are 5 (five) kinds of nouns, namely:)
1. Abstract and Concrete Nouns = Kata benda abstrak dan konkrit
2. Common Nouns = Kata benda biasa,
3. Proper Nouns = Kata benda tertentu,
4. Collective Nouns = Kata benda kumpulan atau grup,
5. Material Nouns = Kata benda material.

Berikut ini adalah Penjelasan singkat tentang 5 macam kata benda tersebut...(The following is a brief explanation of the 5 kinds of nouns...)

1. Abstract and Concrete Nouns
- Abstract Noun, adalah kata benda yang tidak dapat diraba dengan tangan kita, atau bisa disebut bahwa benda tersebut tidak berwujud. (Abstract Noun is a noun that cannot be touched with our hands, or it can be said that the object is intangible.)
Contoh (example): 
  • happiness = kebahagiaan
- Concrete Noun, Adalah benda-benda konkret, yang nyata dan berwujud, yang dapat di lihat, diraba oleh panca indra kita. (Concrete Nouns are concrete objects, which are real and tangible, which can be seen, touched by our five senses.)
Contoh  (example):
  • chair     = kursi
  • magazine  = majalah
  • fence        = pagar
Kata atau benda tersebut diatas dapat kita lihat dan raba keradaannya, sehingga disebut konkrit (ada dan berwujud). Selain itu ciri-ciri dari kata benda konkrit (concrete noun) yaitu bahwa benda tersebut dapat dilihat, diraba, dirasakan, disentuh, dicium, dan lainnya. (The words or objects mentioned above can be seen and touched, so they are called concrete (existent and tangible). In addition, the characteristics of concrete nouns are that they can be seen, touched, felt, touched, smelled, and so on.)

Concrete noun dapat dibagi menjadi 2 (dua) yaitu animate noun  dan inanimate noun. Animate noun adalah benda yang hidup dan bergerak seperti tiger, sister, mother. Sedangkan inanimate noun adalah benda yang tidak hidup dan bergerak, seperti sugar, apple, book, dan lainnya. (Concrete nouns can be divided into 2 (two) namely animate nouns and inanimate nouns. Animate nouns are objects that live and move like tiger, sister, mother. While inanimate nouns are objects that do not live and move, such as sugar, apple, book, and others)

2. Common Nouns, adalah kata benda umum, yang menunjukan jenis, kelas dari orang, benda, tempat dan sebagainya. Penulisan Common noun ditulis tidak menggunakan awalan huruf kapital, kecuali jika ditempatkan di awal kalimat. (Common nouns, are general nouns, which indicate the type, class of people, things, places and so on. Common nouns are written without capital letters, unless they are placed at the beginning of a sentence.)
Contoh (example):
  • book   = buku
  • tool     = alat
  • city     = kota
3. Proper Nouns, adalah nama orang, tempat dan sebagainya yang tertentu, yang khusus menunjuk dia saja. Proper Nouns selalu memakai huruf kapital (Huruf Besar). (Proper Nouns are the names of certain people, places and so on, which specifically designate him or her. Proper Nouns always use capital letters (Capital).)
Contoh (example):
  • Ikhsan
  • Purwakarta
  • Bandung
  • Canada
Perbedaan antara Common noun dan proper dapat terlihat jelas pada tabel dibawah. (The difference between common nouns and proper can be seen clearly in the table below)

Common NounsProper Nouns
man, authorRizki, Leo
country, nationIndonesia, Japan
city, placeBandung, Purwakarta
flowerrose, sun flower
sportfootball, basketball

4. Collective Noun, adalah suatu kelompok atau kumpulan yang bisa dianggap satu unit atau kumpulan sejumlah anggotanya. (Collective Noun, is a group or collection that can be considered a unit or a collection of a number of members.)
Contoh (example):
  •  a jury            = juri
  •  a committee = panitia
        Collective Nouns dapat berupa manusia (people), binatang (animals) dan suatu benda (things). Beberapa kata tertentu biasa digunakan untuk membuat collective nouns. Berikut beberapa contoh: (Collective Nouns can be in the form of humans (people), animals (animals) and an object (things). Certain words are commonly used to make collective nouns. Here are some examples:)
  • a company of friends = kumpulan teman-teman
  • a flock of sheeps= sekelompok/kawanan domba
5. Material Nouns, adalah nama yang menunjukan nama benda yang terjadi dengan sendirinya, yakni bukan buatan manusia. (Material Nouns, is a name that shows the name of an object that occurs by itself, which is not man-made.)
Contoh (example): 
gold = emas
  • copper = tembaga
  • iron =besi
Ada beberapa fungsi dari nouns yang biasa diterapkan pada suatu kalimat. Fungsi-fungsi tersebut adalah: (There are several functions of nouns that are usually applied to a sentence. These functions are)

1. Berfungsi sebagai subject (Function as subject)
  • Dita is reading a novel
  • Plants release oxygen during the day.
2. Berfungsi sebagai direct object (Function as direct object)
  • Tuti loves Dudi
  • Dini is reading a novel
3. Berfungsi sebagai indirect object (Function as indirect object)
  • Give me the book please!
  • I bought a toy car for my brother.
4. Berfungsi sebagai object of a preposition (Function as object of a preposition)
  • According to Jhon, you are wrong.
  • The details are given by the man.
5. Berfungsi sebagai subject complement (Function as subject complement)
  • This is Mary.
  • That seem to be the man.
6. Berfungsi sebagai object complement (Function as object complement)
  • She called him an angel.
  • They appointed me Chairman.
7. Berfungsi sebagai apositive  (Function as apositive)
  • Sarah, the Chairman, gives us instructions.
  • Tarzan. the wonder car, is from India.
8. Berfungsi sebagai possesive (Function as possesive )
  • Jhon's project has been praised.
  • The man's work has been completed.
9. Berfungsi sebagai modify another noun  (Function as modify another noun)
  • The school has a lady principal.
  • My mother is a teacher.

Phrase adalah sekumpulan kata yang mengandung arti tetapi tidak mempunyai subject dan predikat, dan merupakan bagian dari suatu kalimat. (Phrase is a group of words that contain meaning but do not have a subject and predicate, and are part of a sentence.)

Noun phrase adalah phrase yang digunakan dan berfungsi sebagai noun. (A noun phrase is a phrase that is used and functions as a noun.)
Contoh (example):
  • Siti went to the store for some books.
  • My new car near the door is old enough.
Noun clause adalah clause yang digunakan sebagai pengganti noun atau berfungsi sebagai noun. Menurut jenis kalimat asalnya, noun clause dibagi menjadi 4(empat) yaitu: (Noun clause is a clause that is used as a substitute for a noun or functions as a noun. According to the type of original sentence, noun clauses are divided into 4 (four), namely:)

1. Statement (pernyataan)
Contoh (example):
  • That coffee grows in Brazil is well known to all.
2. Question (pertanyaan)
Contoh (example):
  • Whether He will get the money does not concern me.
(the question is: Will he get the money?

3. Request (permintaan)
Contoh (example):
  • It was proposed that the meeting be adjourned.
4. Exclamation (seruan)
Contoh (example):
  • How wonderful his wife is!
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