Parts of Speech


Hallo, dalam kesempatan kali ini, kita akan membahas tentang Parts of Speech dalam Bahasa Inggris. (Hello, on this occasion, we will discuss about Parts of Speech in English.)

Dalam suatu kalimat terdapat dari beberapa kata dimana kata-kata tersebut mempunyai makna dan berfungsi membangun atau membuat suatu kalimat yang bermakna pula. Ada 8 (delapan) golongan kata yang biasa ada dalam sebuah kalimat dalam Bahasa Inggris, yaitu; 

(In a sentence there are several words where these words have meaning and function to build or make a meaningful sentence as well. There are 8 (eight) groups of words that usually exist in a sentence in English, namely;)

1. NOUNS (Kata Benda)

Nouns adalah kata yang berfungsi untuk menyatakan benda, tempat, tumbuhan, hewan, gagasan atau segala seuatu yang dibendakan dan berfungsi sebagai kata benda. Ada banyak jenis kata benda dalam Bahasa Inggris. (Nouns are words that function to express objects, places, plants, animals, ideas or anything that is objectified and functions as a noun. There are many types of nouns in English.)

Nouns atau kata benda dibagi menjadi 5, yaitu Abstract and Concrete Nouns, Common Nouns, Proper Nouns, Collective Nouns dan Material Nouns. Sedangkan fungsi dari noun ada 9 (sembilan), yaitu berfungsi sebagai subject, direct object, indirect object, object of a preposition, subject complement, object complement, apositive, possesif, dan modify another noun. (Nouns or nouns are divided into 5, namely Abstract and Concrete Nouns, Common Nouns, Proper Nouns, Collective Nouns and Material Nouns. Meanwhile, there are 9 (nine) functions of nouns, namely as subject, direct object, indirect object, object of a preposition, subject complement, object complement, apositive, possessive, and modify another noun.)

Dalam penjelasan singkat tentang Noun ini, akan diberi gambaran secara umum mengenai apa dan jenis-jenis Noun. (In this brief explanation of nouns, a general description of what nouns are and the types of nouns will be given.)

2. PRONOUNS (Kata ganti)

Pronouns adalah kata ganti benda atau orang. Pronoun atau Kata ganti ini dikelompokan menjadi 8 (delapan) bagian, yaitu Personal Pronoun, Demonstrative Pronoun, Indefinite Pronoun, Interrogative Pronoun, Reflexive Pronoun, Reciprocal Pronoun, Relative Pronoun dan Possesive Pronoun.

(Pronouns are pronouns for things or people. These pronouns are grouped into 8 (eight) parts, namely Personal Pronouns, Demonstrative Pronouns, Indefinite Pronouns, Interrogative Pronouns, Reflexive Pronouns, Reciprocal Pronouns, Relative Pronouns and Possessive Pronouns.)

3. ADJECTIVES (Kata Sifat)

Adalah Kata sifat, yaitu kata yang menerangkan atau menjelaskan tentang benda atau orang, atau binatang dan lainnya. Secara umum adjective di bagi menjadi 2, yaitu limiting dan descriptive. Dalam penggunaannya adjective dibagi menjadi 6 (enam) yaitu Adjective of Quality, Adjective of Quantity, Adjective of Numeral, Demonstrative Adjectives, Proper Adjective dan Interrogative Adjective. 

(Is an adjective, which is a word that describes or describes things or people, or animals and others. In general, adjectives are divided into 2, namely limiting and descriptive. In its use, adjectives are divided into 6 (six) namely Adjective of Quality, Adjective of Quantity, Adjective of Numeral, Demonstrative Adjective, Proper Adjective and Interrogative Adjective.)

4. VERBS (Kata Kerja)

Adalah kata kerja. Kata kerja ini merupakan kegiatan  yang dilakukan oleh Subyek. Verbs atau kata kerja dalam Bahasa Inggris di bagi menjadi 6 (enam), yaitu finites verbs, auxiliary verbs, linking verbs, transitive verbs, intransitive verbs, dan regular dan irregular verbs. 

(Is a verb. This verb is an activity carried out by the Subject. Verbs or verbs in English are divided into 6 (six), namely finites verbs, auxiliary verbs, linking verbs, transitive verbs, intransitive verbs, and regular and irregular verbs.)

5. ADVERBS (Kata Keterangan)

Adalah kata keterangan. Fungsi adverb adalah untuk memperjelas kata kerja (modifier of a verb), memperjelas adjective (modifier of an adjective), memperjelas adverb lainnya dalam kalimat (modifier of other adverb), memperjelas suatu phrasa (modifier of phrase). dan memperjelas seluruh kalimat (modifier of entire sentence). (Is an adverb. The function of an adverb is to clarify a verb (modifier of a verb), to clarify an adjective (modifier of an adjective), to clarify other adverbs in a sentence (modifier of other adverb), to clarify a phrase (modifier of a phrase). and clarify the entire sentence (modifier of the entire sentence). )

Ada 8 (delapan) jenis adverb atau kata keterangan, yaitu adverb of manner, adverb of place and direction, adverb of time, adverb of degree, adverb of frequency, adverb of quantity, interrogative adverb, dan relative adverb. 

(There are 8 (eight) types of adverbs or adverbs, namely adverb of manner, adverb of place and direction, adverb of time, adverb of degree, adverb of frequency, adverb of quantity, interrogative adverb, and relative adverb.)

6. PREPOSITIONS (Kata Depan)

Preposition adalah kata depan, yang berfungsi menunjukan hubungan antara noun, pronoun dan kata lainnya dalam kalimat. Kata depan atau preposisi diletakan didepan kata benda untuk menerangkan letak atau posisi dari benda lain yang kita maksudkan. (Prepositions are prepositions, which function to show the relationship between nouns, pronouns and other words in a sentence. A preposition or preposition is placed in front of a noun to describe the location or position of another object that we mean. )

Ada 2 (dua) jenis prepositions yaitu yang terdiri dari satu suku kata dan yang terdiri dari dua atau lebih suku kata. (There are 2 (two) types of prepositions, namely those consisting of one syllable and those consisting of two or more syllables.)

7. CONJUNCTIONS (Kata Sambung)

Adalah kata sambung yang menghubungkan antara kata dengan kata, ungkapan dengan ungkapan, kalimat dengan kalimat dan sebagainya. Ada 2 (dua) macam conjunctions dalam Bahasa Inggris, yaitu coordinating conjunctions dan subordinating conjunctions. 

(It is a conjunction that connects word to word, expression to expression, sentence to sentence and so on. There are 2 (two) kinds of conjunctions in English, namely coordinating conjunctions and subordinating conjunctions.)


Adalah kata seru, yang digunakan untuk mengekspresika perasaan /pikiran yang tiba tiba terasa atau muncul yang kuat seperti perasaan senang, sedih, kecewa, terkejut, kesakitan dan sebagainya. Biasanya interjections ini tidak mempunyai hubungan gramatika dengan kata lainnya. 

(Is an interjection, which is used to express feelings / thoughts that suddenly feel or appear strong such as feelings of pleasure, sadness, disappointment, surprise, pain and so on. Usually these interjections have no grammatical relationship with other words.)

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