Simple Past Tense


Hallo, dalam kesempatan kali ini, kita akan membahas tentang Penggunaan Simple Past Tense dalam Bahasa Inggris. (Hello, on this occasion, we will discuss about Simple Past Tense in English.)


Simple Past Tense atau bisa juga disebut Past Indefinite Tense berhubungan dengan suatu kejadian di masa lampau. Past Simple Tense adalah Tense yang digunakan untuk menyatakan kejadian atau kegiatan di masa lampau, dengan menggunakan kata kerja lampau atau past. 

(Simple Past Tense or it can also be called Past Indefinite Tense relates to an event in the past. Past Simple Tense is a tense that is used to express events or activities in the past, using past or past verbs.)

Ada beberapa fungsi penggunaan Past Simple Tense, beberapa diantaranya adalah: (There are several functions of using the Past Simple Tense, some of which are:)

1. Untuk menyatakan perbuatan yang dilakukan atau yang terjadi di masa lampau dimana waktunya jelas atau disebutkan. (To express an action that was done or happened in the past where the time is clear or mentioned.)


Dudi went to school yesterday.

Penjelasan: Dudi pergi ke sekolah kemarin. Waktu terjadinya jelas disebutkan yaitu yesterday (kemarin). Kata kerja yang digunakan adalah kata kerja past. (Explanation: Dudi went to school yesterday. The time of occurrence is clearly stated that is yesterday (yesterday). The verb used is a past verb.)

Contoh: (Example)

go - went - gone.

2. Untuk menyatakan kebiasaan di masa lampau (To express a habit in the past)

Contoh: (Example)

I always played football every sunday morning when I was 10 years old.

Penjelasan: Kata kerja yang digunakan adalah played (play-played-played). terdapat kata always yaitu selalu, yang menyiratkan bahwa kegiatan tersebut merupakan kebiasaan atau dilakukan berulang ulang pada saat saya berumur 10 tahun. (Explanation: The verb used is played (play-played-played). there is the word always, which means always, which implies that the activity was a habit or repeated when I was 10 years old.)

He always carried an umbrella. = Dia selalu membawa sebuah payung (di masa lampau).

Dalam kalimat diatas, dia laki laki selalu membawa payung di masa lampau. Kebiasaan ini dapat dilihat dari kata keterangan always yang artinya selalu. Kalimat diatas menggunakan kata kerja lampau yang menunjukan suatu kejadian di masa lampau walaupun tidak disebutkan keterangan waktunya. (In the sentence above, he is a man who always carried an umbrella in the past. This habit can be seen from the adverb always which means always. The sentence above uses a past verb that shows an event in the past even though it doesn't mention the time.)

Rumus Past Simple Tense (Past Simple Tense Formula)

Dalam Past simple Tense kata kerja yang digunakan adalah kata kerja past.  (In the past simple tense the verb used is the past verb.)

Subject + Verb 2 (Past)

Kalimat dalam Past Simple Tense (Sentences in Past Simple Tense)

Kalimat yang menggunakan verb (Verbal)

1. Kalimat affirmative (affirmative sentence)


I helped my father yesterday. = Saya membantu ayah saya kemarin.

Kalimat diatas jelas menunjukan suatu kegiatan dimasa lampau, hal ini bisa kita lihat dari kata kerjanya yaitu helped, dan juga keterangan waktu yesterday. (The sentence above clearly shows an activity in the past, we can see this from the verb helped, and also the description of yesterday's time.)

Jhon played tennis last saturday. = Jhon main tenis hari sabtu lalu.

Kalimat diatas menunjukan kegiatan di masa lampau yaitu dengan adanya kata kerja lampau played dan keterangan waktu last saturday. (The sentence above shows activities in the past, namely with the past verb played and the adverb of last Saturday.)

2. Kalimat negative (negative sentence)

Untuk kalimat menyangkal kita pergunakan did untuk semua subyek. (To deny we use did for all subjects)


Rudi didnot drink coffee. He drank milks yesterday.= Rudi tidak minum kopi. Dia minum susu kemarin.

Kalimat diatas adalah terdiri dari dua kalimat. Kalimat pertama adalah kalimat negatif atau menyangkal. Hal ini dapat kita lihat dari penggunaan kata did not (didn't). Setelah kata did not kita gunakan kata kerja bentuk pertama atau infinitive tanpa to. (The sentence above consists of two sentences. The first sentence is a negative sentence or denial. We can see this from the use of the word did not (didn't). After the word did not we use the first form of the verb or the infinitive without to.)

Roni and Doni did not go to the library yesterday. = Roni dan Doni tidak pergi ke perpustakaan kemarin.

Kalimat diatas adalah contoh penggunaan past simple tense untuk orang ketiga jamak, yaitu they. Jadi penggunaan did not digunakan untuk semua subject, tidak terkecuali. (The sentence above is an example of using the past simple tense for the third person plural, namely they. So the use of did not is used for all subjects, no exception.)

3. Kalimat Interogative (interogative sentence).

Dalam kalimat tanya yang menggunakan past simple tense, juga terdapat 2 (dua) macam. Kalimat tanya pertama yairu yes/no question dan kalimat tanya kedua adalah information question. Yes/no question adalah pertanyaan dalam past simple tense yang hanya membutuhkan jawaban yes atau no. Sedangkan dalam kalimat tanya information question, pertanyaan tersebut dalam bentuk past simple tense yang menanyakan sesuatu hal yang membutuhkan jawaban berupa informasi. Biasanya kalimat tanya information question menggunakan kata tanya atau question word seperti what, why, who, where, when, how dan lainnya. 

(In interrogative sentences that use the past simple tense, there are also 2 (two) kinds. The first interrogative sentence is a yes/no question and the second is an information question. Yes/no questions are questions in the past simple tense that only require a yes or no answer. Meanwhile, in the interrogative sentence of an information question, the question is in the form of past simple tense which asks something that requires an answer in the form of information. Usually the interrogative sentence of an information question uses a question word or question word such as what, why, who, where, when, how and others.)

Contoh yes/no question:

Did you go to the beach last weekend? = Apakah kamu pergi ke pantai akhir pekan kemarin?

Kalimat diatas adalah bentuk kalimat tanya dalam past simple tense yang hanya membutuhkan jawaban yes atau no. Jika iya maka jawabannya adalah yes I did, jika tidak maka jawabannya adalah No I didn't. (The sentence above is a form of interrogative sentence in the past simple tense which only requires a yes or no answer. If yes then the answer is yes I did, if not then the answer is No I didn't.)

Contoh Information question:

When did you go to Pangandaran beach? = Kapan kamu pergi ke pantai Pangandaran.

Kalimat diatas membutuhkan jawaban berupa informasi waktu. Jawaban dari pertanyaan tersebut misalkan, I went to Pangandaran last week. Yang artinya saya pergi ke pantai Pangandaran minggu kemarin.  (The sentence above requires an answer in the form of time information. The answer to the question, for example, I went to Pangandaran last week. Which means I went to Pangandaran beach last week.)

Kalimat yang menggunakan To be (was, were) (Sentences that use To be (was, were)

Dalam Past Simple Tense terdapat kalimat yang tidak menggunakan verb (kata kerja). Kalimat tersebut disebut kalimat nominal. Karena tidak menggunakan kata kerja, maka digunakan To be. Lihat tabel di bawah mengenai penggunaan to be untuk kalimat past simple tense. (In the Past Simple Tense there are sentences that do not use verbs. These sentences are called nominal sentences. Because it doesn't use a verb, it uses To be. See the table below regarding the use of to be for past simple tense sentences.)

SubjectTo be Past (Lampau)

Untuk subject I, He, She, dan It digunakan to be "was", sedangkan untuk subject You, We, They menggunakan to be "were"  (For subjects I, He, She, and It are used to be "was", while for subjects You, We, They use to be "were")

1. Kalimat affirmative (affirmative sentence)

Rumus: Subject + was/were + noun/adjective/adverb

Contoh :

I was tired yesterday = Saya lelah kemarin.

You were busy yesterday = Kamu sibuk kemarin. 

2. Kalimat negative (negative sentence).

Rumus: Subject + was/were + not + noun/adjective/adverb


They were not writers.= Mereka bukan penulis.

I was not at home yesterday = Saya tidak dirumah kemarin.

3. Kalimat interrogative (interogative sentence)

Rumus: was/were + subject + noun/adjective/adverb?


was He a chef? = Apakah dia seorang koki?

were you at Doni's home last night? Apakah kamu berada dirumah doni tadi malam.

Aturan membentuk kata kerja lampau   (Rules for forming past verbs)

Untuk membentuk verb I menjadi kata kerja lampau (past) perlu diperhatikan hal-hal berikut: (To form verb I into a past verb (past) it is necessary to pay attention to the following things:)

1. Kata kerja beraturan (regular verb), ditambahkan akhiran -ed (Regular verbs, add the ending -ed)


finish = finished

2. Verb I yang berakhiran huruf y dan didahului huruf konsonan (huruf mati) maka huruf y tersebut di ganti huruf i kemudian ditambah ed. (Verb I that ends in the letter y and is preceded by a consonant (a consonant letter) then the letter y is replaced with the letter i and then added ed.)


3. Verb yang berakhiran huruf y tetapi sebelumnya huruf vokal atau huruf hidup (a, i, u, e, o), tidak ada perubahan dan langsung ditambah ed. (Verbs ending in y but previously vowels or vowels (a, i, u, e, o), no changes and immediately added ed)


4. Verb I berupa satu suku kata dan berakhiran huruf konsonan (huruf mati), maka huruf konsonan tersebut didobel kemudian ditambahkan akhiran ed. (Verb I is in the form of one syllable and ends in a consonant (consonant), then the consonant is doubled and then the suffix ed is added.)


Latihan Soal /exercise

Buat kalimat di bawah menjadi kalimat Simple Past tense (Make the sentences below into simple past tense sentences).

1. Redi will go to Singapore next month.

2. Reli is reading a novel now.

3. I always play footbal every sunday morning.

Demikian, Semoga bermanfaat..

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