Simple Present Tense


Halo, dalam kesempatan kali ini, kita akan membahas tentang Penggunaan Simple Present Tense dalam Bahasa Inggris. (Hello, on this occasion, we will discuss about Simple Present Tense in English.)


Simple Present Tense  mempunya dua fungsi utama, yaitu untuk menyatakan seuatu yang terjadi present atau sekarang dan juga untuk menyatakan suatu kebiasaan atau pekerjaan yang berulang. Berikut penjelasan mengenai fungsi dari Present Simple Tense: (Present Simple Tense has two main functions, namely to express something that is happening present or now and also to express a habit or repetitive work. The following is an explanation of the function of the Present Simple Tense:)

1. Digunakan untuk kebiasaan / kegiatan yang dilakukan berulang-ulang. (Used for habits / activities that are done repeatedly.)


Didi goes to school every monday to friday. = Didi pergi ke sekolah setiap hari senin sampai hari jum'at.

Penjelasan: Kegiatan Didi pergi kesekolah dilakukan berulang-ulang. Kata kerja yang digunakan adalah kata kerja verb 1 atau present. Untuk present simple tense, aturan yang berlaku bagi pronoun orang ketiga tunggal, yaitu He, She, dan It maka kata kerja ditambah s/es. Jadi dari kata kerja go menjadi goes karena ditambah akhiran -es. (Explanation: Didi's activities of going to school were repeated. The verb used is verb 1 or present. For the present simple tense, the rules that apply to third-person singular pronouns, namely He, She, and It, add s/es to the verb. So from the verb go to goes because of the added -es ending.)

Doni gets up early at 5 o'clock every morning = Doni bangun pagi pukul 5 setiap pagi

Banyak kebiasaan-kebiasaan kita dalam kegiatan sehari hari. (Many of our habits in daily activities.)


I always help mother every day. = Saya selalu membantu ibu setiap hari.

I always get up at 5 o'clock every morning. = Saya selalu bangun pagi pukul 5 setiap pagi

I take a bath two times a day. = Saya mandi dua kali sehari

I always study every night. = saya selalu belajar malam hari.

I always swim every saturday morning. = Saya selalu berenang setiap sabtu pagi.

2. Untuk menyatakan kebenaran umum. (To state a general truth.)

Maksudnya adalah bahwa kejadian tersebut adalah kejadian yang benar-benar terjadi dan umumnya semua orang tahu tentang hal tersebut. (The point is that the incident is an incident that actually happened and generally everyone knows about it.)


-The sun rises in the east and sets in the west (Matahari terbit dari timur dan tenggelam di barat.)

Penjelasan: Bahwa matahari terbit dari timur dan tenggelam di barat adalah kebenaran yang umum, yang biasa terjadi setiap hari, dan semua orang tahu akan hal ini. (Explanation: That the sun rises in the east and sets in the west is a common truth, which happens every day, and everyone knows this.)

Rumus Present Simple Tense (Present Simple Tense Formula)

Ada dua macam kalimat dalam Present Simple Tense, yaitu verbal dan nominal. Kalimat Verbal adalah kalimat yang menggunakan kata kerja (verb), sedangkan kalimat nominal adalah kalimat yang tidak menggunakan kata kerja. (There are two kinds of sentences in Present Simple Tense, namely verbal and nominal. Verbal sentences are sentences that use verbs, while nominal sentences are sentences that do not use verbs.)

a. Kalimat yang menggunakan verb (Sentences using verb or Verbal sentence))

1. Untuk kalimat declarative atau pernyataan

Subyek + Verb 1 (+ s/es)

*Seperti di jelaskan diatas penambahan akhiran s/es hanya untuk subyek He, She, dan It. (As explained above, the addition of the s/es suffix is only for He, She, and It . subjects)


- Doni Goes to school every monday to friday. He goes to school on foot.

- Doni and Rudi go to school every monday to friday. They go to school on foot.

Penjelasan: Doni pada kalimat pertama adalah subyek orang ketiga tunggal (He=Dia laki-laki). Sedang pada kalimat kedua, subyek Doni and Rudi adalah orang ketiga jamak (plural) yang jika diganti menjadi They (mereka). (Explanation: Doni in the first sentence is the third person singular subject (He=He is male). While in the second sentence, the subjects of Doni and Rudi are third person plural (plural) which if changed to They)

2. Untuk kalimat negative (For negative sentences)

Untuk kalimat negative kita pergunakan do/does + not. Untuk subyek orang ketiga tunggal yaitu He, She, dan It digunakan does + not, selebihnya digunakan do + not. (For negative sentences we use do/does + not. For third-person singular subjects, namely He, She, and It, do + not is used, the rest is used do + not.)

Subject + do/does + not + verb 1


Doni does not go to school with his friends everyday.

Doni and Dina do not go to school on foot everyday.

3. Untuk kalimat Interrogative atau pertanyaan (For interrogative sentences or questions)

Ada 2 (dua) macam jenis pertanyaan, yaitu Yes/no question dan Wh question atau information question. Yes/no question adalah pertanyaan yang hanya membutuhkan jawaban yes atau no. Sedangkan wh question atau information question adalah jenis pertanyaan yang menggunakan kata tanya yang jawabannya membutuhkan pernyataan atau informasi. (There are 2 (two) types of questions, namely Yes/no questions and Wh questions or information questions. Yes/no questions are questions that only require a yes or no answer. While the wh question or information question is a type of question that uses a question word whose answer requires a statement or information.)

Yes/No Question

Do/DoesSubjectVerb 1Complement?
DoYouVerb 1Complement?
DoWeVerb 1Complement?
DoTheyVerb 1Complement?
DoesHeVerb 1Complement?
DoesSheVerb 1Complement?
DoesItVerb 1Complement?

Contoh: (Example:)

Do you know her?

Does he live in Bandung?

Does it work well?

Wh Questions or Information Questions

Questions WordsDo/DoesSubjectVerb 1Complement?
WhoDoYouVerb 1Complement?
WhereDoWeVerb 1Complement?
WhyDoTheyVerb 1Complement?
HowDoesHeVerb 1Complement?
WhenDoesSheVerb 1Complement?
WhatDoesItVerb 1Complement?

Contoh: (Example:)

Where do you live?

Who do you want to go with?

Why do you study English?

b. Kalimat yang menggunakan To be (am, are, is) (Sentences using To be (am, are, is))

Dalam Present Simple Tense, dimana kalimat tersebut tidak menggunakan verb (kata kerja) maka digunakan To be. (In Present Simple Tense, where the sentence does not use a verb, To be is used.)

SubjectTo be

1. Kalimat affirmative

Contoh :

I am a student

He is honest

2. Kalimat negative (Kalimat menyangkal)


They are not writers.

I am not a farmer.

3. Kalimat interrogative (Kalimat tanya)


Is He a chef?

Are they students?

Aturan penambahan akhiran s/es (Rules for adding the s/es suffix)

Untuk penambahan akhiran -s/es untuk subyek He, She, dan It, perlu diperhatikan beberapa hal berikut: (To add the -s/es suffix to the subjects He, She, and It, the following points should be noted:)

Penambahan akhiran -s (Adding the -s suffix)

1. Semua kata kerja, kecuali yang berakhiran: ss, sh, ch, dan o. (All verbs, except those ending in: ss, sh, ch, and o.)

Contoh: walk menjadi walks, run menjadi runs, write menjadi writes. (Example: walk becomes walks, run becomes runs, write becomes writes)

2. Kata Kerja yang berakhiran huruf y tapi sebelum huruf y ada huruf hidup seperti a,i,u,e,o.  (Verbs that end in the letter y but before the letter y there are vowels such as a, i, u, e, o.)

Contoh: play menjadi plays, say menjadi says. (Example: play becomes plays, say becomes says.)

Penambahan akhiran -es (Added suffix -es)

1. Kata kerja yang berakhiran: ss, sh, ch, dan o (Verbs ending in: ss, sh, ch, and o)

Contoh : kiss - kisses, box - boxes, watch - watches

2. Kata kerja yang berakhiran huruf y dimana sebelumnya huruf konsonan, yaitu huruf selain huruf hidup, huruf konsonan seperti  b,c,d,f,g,h,j,k,l,m,n,p,q,r,s,t,v,w,x,y,z. (Verbs ending in the letter y where previously a consonant, namely letters other than vowels, consonants such as b, c, d, f, g, h, j, k, l, m, n, p, q, r, s, t, v, w, x, y, z.)

Contoh: carry - carries, hurry - hurries

Penjelasan: Kata kerja carry dan hurry diakhiri oleh huruf y dimana sebelum huruf y ada huruf mati yaitu r. maka huruf y tersebut di ganti i lalu ditambah akhiran es. (Explanation: The verbs carry and hurry end with the letter y where before the letter y there is a consonant, namely r. then the letter y is replaced with i and then added the suffix es.)

Latihan Soal (exercise)

Ubahlah kalimat berikut menjadi kalimat yang benar (Change the following sentences into correct order)

1. She sing beautiful.

2. They often played chess in the afternoon.

3. Ririn usually studying at night.

Demikian, Semoga bermanfaat....

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