10 Verb Patterns dalam Bahasa Inggris


Hallo, dalam kesempatan kali ini, kita akan membahas tentang verb pattern dalam Bahasa Inggris. (Hello, on this occasion, we will discuss about verb pattern in English.)

Verb atau kata kerja bisa  berupa non-finites atau finites. Non finites verb adalah: the infinitive, present and perfect, the participles, present and past and the gerund (verbal noun). Sedangkan kata kerja finites adalah verb (kata kerja) selain finites tersebut. (Verbs or verbs can be non-finites or finites. Non finites verbs are: the infinitive, present and perfect, the participles, present and past and the gerund (verbal noun). While the finites verb is a verb other than the finites.)

Non-finites verb  untuk be adalah:  (to) be, (to) have been, being and been, dan finites verb untuk be adalah: am, are, is, was, were. (Non-finites verbs for be are: (to) be, (to) have been, being and been, and finites verbs for be are: am, are, is, was, were.)

Ada 25 jenis verb patterns. Pattern 1 sampai 19 menggunakan kata kerja transitive yaitu kata kerja yang menggunakan objek. Sedangkan pada pattern 20 sampai 25 menggunakan kata kerja intransitive (yaitu kata kerja yang ridak menggunakan objek langsung (direct object). (There are 25 types of verb patterns. Patterns 1 to 19 use transitive verbs, namely verbs that use an object. While in patterns 20 to 25 using intransitive verbs (that is, verbs that do not use a direct object).)

Berikut kita bahas beberapa pattern atau pola kalimat yang menggunakan verb. (Here we discuss some patterns or sentence patterns that use verbs.)

1. Subject + Verb + Direct Object

Dalam pattern (pola) ini, Subject memiliki direct object atau obyek langsung, baik berupa (pro)noun ataupun relative clause yang diawali oleh kata what. (In this pattern, the subject has a direct object, either in the form of a (pro)noun or a relative clause that begins with the word what.)

Contoh (Example):

I know your name.

Who knows the answer?

Don't you remember me?

She said "Good morning"

Do you want any help?

Please describe what there is in front of you.

2. Subject + verb + (not) to-infinitive, etc

Dalam pola ini, object berupa to infinitive yang mungkin juga diawali oleh not. Untuk intransitive verbs atau kata kerja yang tidak memerlukan object seperti: come, agree, seem, happen, care digunakan to-infinitive. Dalah pola ini object dari verb berupa (not) to-infinitive. (In this pattern, the object is a to infinitive which may also be preceded by a note. For intransitive verbs or verbs that do not require an object, such as come, agree, seem, happen, care, the to-infinitive is used. In this pattern the object of the verb is (not) to-infinitive.)

Please try to do better next time.

He pretended not to see me.

I forgot to post your letters.

Have you learnt to swim yet?

Do you want to go?

Would you like to come with me?

3. Subject + Verb + (pro)noun + to infinitive, etc

Dalam pola ini, object dari verb adalah (pro)noun + to-infonitive. Kata kerja yang sering digunakan dalam pola ini adalah: advice, allow, ask, beg, cause, choose, expect, force, get, leave, like, love, mean, prepare, press, teach, tell, urge) (In this pattern, the object of the verb is (pro)noun + to-infonitive. Verbs that are often used in this pattern are: advice, allow, ask, beg, cause, choose, expect, force, get, leave, like, love, mean, prepare, press, teach, tell, urge))

I do not want anyone to know.

Do you wish me to stay here?

Will you help me to carry this box upstairs?

He likes his wife to dress well.

They lead me to believe that there was no danger.

Who taught her to swim?

4. Subject + verb + pro(noun), etc + (to be x) complement

Verbs atau kata kerja yang digunakan dalam pola ini digunakan untuk opinion, judgement, , belief, supposition, declaration, or mental (not a physical) perception. (Verbs or verbs used in this pattern are used for opinion, judgment, belief, supposition, declaration, or mental (not a physical) perception.)

Most people supposed him (to be) innocent.

They proved him (to be) wrong.

I consider what he said (to be) unimportant.

Do you believe such inquiries (to be) useful.

I judged him to be about fifty

Everyone reported him to be the best man in for the job.

5. Subject + verb + (pro)noun + infinitive, etc

Dalam pola ini, verb digunakan dengan (pro)noun dan bare infinitive (kata kerja dasar). To-infinitive digunakan dalam kalimat pasif (the passive). (In this pattern, verbs are used with (pro)nouns and bare infinitives (basic verbs). The to-infinitive is used in the passive voice.)

They made me do it.

Who makes you think so?

Let me go

Shall I help you carry that box upstairs.

We can't let the matter rest here.

I will let you have news.

6. Subject + verb + Pro(noun) + Present Participle

Dalam pola ini, subject memiliki kata kerja ditambah pronoun atau noun dan present participle. (In this pattern, verbs are used with (pro)nouns and bare infinitives (basic verbs). The to-infinitive is used in the passive voice.)

I saw the thief running away.

Justin looked at the rain coming down.

I heard him giving orders.

I found him working at his desk

I can't have you doing that.He soon had them all laughing.

7. Subject + verb + Pro(noun) + Adjective.

Dalam pola ini subject memiliki verb atau kata kerja ditambah dengan pronoun atau noun dan adjective. (In this pattern the subject has a verb or verb plus a pronoun or noun and an adjective.)

Adjective atau kata sifat disini menunjukan kondisi. (Adjectives or adjectives here indicate conditions.)

Can you push the door open?

Raise your hand higher.

I found the box empty

I hope I see you well

Open your mouth wide

The cat licked the saucer clean.

8. Subject + verb + Pro(noun) + Noun.

Dalam pola ini sebject memiliki verb dan pronoun atau noun sebagai direct object dan predicative adjuct (noun atau noun phrase). Predicative adjunct adalah kata atau phrase yang digunakan untuk melengkapi predikat. (In this pattern, the object has a verb and a pronoun or noun as a direct object and a predicative adjuct (noun or noun phrase). Predicative adjunct is a word or phrase used to complete a predicate.)

We appointed him manager.

They nominated him president.

They named the ship "Queen Mary".

They elected Mr. Grey as a chairman.

They have made the company what it is today.

The jury choose him a winner.

9. Subject + verb + past participle

Dalam pola ini, verb atau kata kerja memiliki diikuti oleh sebuah (pro)noun dan past participle sebagai predicative adjunct (pelengkap). Kata kerja yang biasa digunakan dalam pola ini adalah: feel, find, hear, like, make, prefer, see, want, wish, get, and have. (In this pattern, the verb or verb has is followed by a (pro)noun and a past participle as a predicative adjunct (complement). The verbs commonly used in this pattern are: feel, find, hear, like, make, prefer, see, want, wish, get, and have.)

I heard my name called.

I want this work finished quickly.

We found the house deserted.

He felt himself lifted up

I must get my hair cut

She had her handbag stolen.

10. Subject + verb + (pro)noun + AP (Adverbial particles)

Dalam pola ini digunakan adverbial adjunst yang digunakan sebagai salat satu adverbial particles. Adverbial particle seperti: on, off, up, down, in, out, away, back, etc. seperti dalam kombinasi put on, take off, pick up, put down, give away, send out, knock down. (In this pattern, an adverbial adjunct is used which is used as a prayer for adverbial particles. Adverbial particle such as: on, off, up, down, in, out, away, back, etc. as in the combination of put on, take off, pick up, put down, give away, send out, knock down.)

Put your hand on

Bring her inLock this up.

Take your coat off.

Have you picked them up?

Have you packed them up?

The bus knocked him down.

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