Adjective atau Kata Sifat Dalam Bahasa Inggris


Hallo, dalam kesempatan kali ini, kita akan membahas tentang Kata Sifat dalam Bahasa Inggris. (Hello, on this occasion, we will discuss about adjective in English.)

Adjective adalah kata yang digunakan untuk menerangkan, dan atau menjelaskan kata benda (noun) atau kata ganti (pronoun), dimana penggunaannya mencakup sifat dari noun dan pronoun tersebut (Adjective is a  word that used to explain and or explain nouns or pronouns, where their use includes the nature of the noun and pronoun.)

Secara umum, adjective dibagi menjadi 2, yaitu (In general, adjective is divided into 2, namely)

1. Descriptive, digunakan untuk mendeskripsikan, meliputi: ukuran, bentuk, warna, rasa, bau dan sebagainya. (Descriptive, used to describe, includes: size, shape, color, taste, smell and so on.)

Contoh (example): 

big, small, long, white, bitter etc

2. Limiting, digunakan untuk membatasi, tanpa memberikan penjalasan mengenai bentuk, ukuran, warna, rasa dan lainnya. (Limiting, is used to limit, without providing explanations regarding the shape, size, color, taste and others.)

Contoh:  (example): 

three men, my book.

Penggunaan adjective (kata sifat)  juga di kelompokkan menjadi 8 macam, yaitu: (The use of adjectives is also grouped into 8 types, namely:)

1. Adjective of Quality, Adalah kata yang digunakan untuk menunjukan sifat berupa bentuk atau keadaan dari noun atau pronoun. (Adjective of Quality, is a word used to indicate the nature of the form or condition of a noun or pronoun.)

Contoh:  (example)

small = kecil

The toy-car is small

Penjelasan: Toy-car adalah subjek berupa benda (Noun), yang dijelaskan oleh adjective (Kata sifat) yaitu bahwa sifat dari toy-car tersebut  bentuknya dan ukurannya small atau kecil. (Explanation: A toy-car is a subject in the form of a noun, which is explained by an adjective, namely that the nature of the toy-car is its shape and size.)

2. Adjective of Quantity, Adalah kata sifat yang digunakan untuk menunjukan jumlah sesuatu yang tidak dapat dihitung (uncountable noun), yaitu: (Adjective of Quantity, is an adjective used to indicate the amount of something that cannot be counted (uncountable noun), namely:)

much = banyak

little   = sedikit

some = beberapa

any    = beberapa

half    = setengah

Contoh:  (example)

He ate little bread

Penjelasan: He = Dia (laki-laki), ate= makan (kata kerja lampau/past), little = sedikit (kata sifat/adjective), bread= roti(kata benda/noun).

Dalam kalimat ini, kata little menerangkan jumlah dari bread/roti yang sedikit.

3. Adjective of Numeral, Adalah kata sifat yang menyatakan jumlah tertentu atau jumlah tidak tertentu dari suatu benda, sehingga adjective ini terbagi menjadi 2 bagian, yaitu: (Adjective of Numeral, is an adjective that states a certain amount or an indefinite amount of an object, so that this adjective is divided into 2 parts, namely:)

Definite (jumlah tertentu) dan indefinite (jumlah tidak tentu) (Definite (a certain amount) and indefinite (an indefinite amount))

3.1. Definite adalah menunjukan bilangan tertentu. Ada tiga kelompok yaitu: (Definite is showing a certain number. There are three groups namely:)

Cardinal (one, two, three, four, five dan seterusnya);

Ordinal (first, second, twenty-five, sixty)

Multiple (single, double, triple, a pair, a dozen dan sebagainya)

3.2. Indefinite, yaitu yang menunjukan "tidak begitu tepat", namun dapat dihitung atau ditaksir. (Indefinite, which shows "not so precise", but can be calculated or estimated.)

Contoh (yang terutama): (Example (mainly):)

all = semua

some= beberapa

enough= cukup

many= banyak (countable)

few= sedikit (uncountable)

a few= sedikit (countable), etc

4. Demonstrative Adjective, adalah kata sifat yang di gunakan sebagai penunjuk. Demonstrative Adjective ini terdiri dari: (Demonstrative Adjective, is an adjective that is used as a pointer. This Demonstrative Adjective consists of:)

4.1. Definite, seperti: this, that, these, those, the, such. Setelah kata-kata tersebut di tambah benda, orang, binatang dan lainnya. (Definite, like: this, that, these, those, the, such. After the words are added objects, people, animals and others.)

Contoh:  (example)

This book is mine

The book is yours

4.2. Indefinite, yang menunjukan tidak begitu tepat. Kata yang dipakai adalah:  (Indefinite, which indicates not so precise. The words used are:)

a/an = satu (sebuah, seekor, sabutir, sebatang dll),

any = beberapa,

some= beberapa,

certain= tertentu

Contoh:  (example)

I have some apples in the refrigerator.

5. Proper Adjective, Adjective yang berasal dari atau berhubungan dengan Proper Noun. Proper Adjective biasanya menunjukan bangsanya atau bahasanya. Huruf awal selalu kapital (Proper Adjective, Adjective derived from or related to Proper Noun. Proper adjectives usually indicate the nation or language. The first letter is always capital)

Contoh:  (example)

Proper NounProper Adjective

6. Interrogative Adjective, Adalah Kata sifat untuk membuat pertanyaan seperti what (apa), which (yang mana), whose (kepunyaan siapa), dimana penggunaanya harus diikuti oleh Noun. (Interrogative Adjective, is an adjective to make questions such as what (what), which (which), whose (belongs to whom), where its use must be followed by a noun.)

Contoh: (example)

Which color do you like?

Whose book is this?

7. Possesive Adjective, adalah kata sifat yang menunjukan kepunyaan. Kata-kata tersebut adalah: (Possessive Adjective, is an adjective that shows possession. These words are:)

Personal PronounPossesive Adjective


My friends are really nice to me.

His room is very comfortable

8. Distributive Adjective, Adalah kata sifat yang menunjukan satu dari jumlah yang ada. kata-kata yang dipakai adalah: (Distributive Adjective, is an adjective that shows one of the existing numbers. the words used are:)

each= setiap

every= setiap

either= salah satu

neither= juga tidak

Contoh: (example)

She tries every game in the Mall

Each drink costs ten thousand rupiahs

FUNGSI ADJECTIVES (Functions of Adjectives)

Adjectives berfungsi membatasi atau menerangkan nouns dan pronouns. Secara grammatikal fungsi adjectives adalah: attributive dan predicative. (Adjectives function to limit or explain nouns and pronouns. Grammatically the functions of adjectives are: attributive and predicative.)

1. Attributive adjectives adalah adjectives yang menjelaskan noun dan terletak sebelum noun atau terletak antara artikel dan noun. (Attributive adjectives are adjectives that describe a noun and are located before the noun or between the article and the noun.)


the beautiful girl

amazing show

tall girl

2. Predicative adjectives adalah adjectives yang menjelaskan noun atau pronoun yang berfungsi sebagai predikat. Predicative adjectives berupa: (Predicative adjectives are adjectives that describe a noun or pronoun that functions as a predicate. Predicative adjectives are:)

     1. Subject Complement,

contoh: (example)

She is beautiful, The house is big.

     2. Object Complement,

contoh: (example)

He made his wife happy, She pushed the window open.


Terkadang suatu noun atau pronoun mempunyai sifat lebih dari satu. Andaikan kata sifat tersebut disebutkan secara berurutan, maka susunan adjectives harus sesuai aturan. (Sometimes a noun or pronoun has more than one nature. If the adjectives are mentioned in order, then the adjectives must be arranged according to the rules.)

1. Jika suatu noun disifati oleh dua adjectives. (If a noun is characterized by two adjectives.)

Jika suatu noun mempunyai dua kata sifat, maka susunannya adalah: Adjective yang menunjukan pendapat, kemudian adjective yang menunjukan fakta. (If a noun has two adjectives, then the arrangement is: Adjective that shows an opinion, then an adjective that shows facts.)

Contoh: (example)

a nice  new handbag

an intelligent young man

2. Jika suatu noun disifati oleh lebih dari 2 (dua) adjectives (If a noun is characterized by more than 2 (two) adjectives)

Jika suatu noun disifati oleh lebih dari 2 (dua) kata sifat maka susunannya adalah: (If a noun is characterized by more than 2 (two) adjectives, the arrangement is:)


Contoh: (example)

big blue eyes.

small black plastic bag.


Phrase adalah rangkaian kata yang sudah mengandung suatu pengertian, namun tidak memiliki subject dan predicate, dan menjadi bagian dari suatu kalimat. (Phrase is a series of words that already contain an understanding, but do not have a subject and predicate, and become part of a sentence.)

Adjective phrase adalah phrase yang digunakan atau berfungsi sebagai adjective, memberi sifat kepada noun atau pronoun. (An adjective phrase is a phrase that is used or functions as an adjective, giving properties to a noun or pronoun.)

Contoh: (example)

The girl with long hair is my friend.


Adjective clause dinamakan juga relative clause adalah clause (anak kalimat) yang digunakan atau berfungsi sebagai adjective, yaitu menerangkan noun atau pronoun. (An adjective clause, also called a relative clause, is a clause that is used or functions as an adjective, which is to explain a noun or pronoun.)

Contoh: (example)

I have read the book (that) you just mentioned.


Noun + al / ial

agriculture = agricultural

ancestor = ancestral

bride = bridal

commerce = commercial

globe = global

incident = incidental

industry = industrial

instrument = instrumental

magis = magical

monument = monumental

occupation = occupational

structure = structural

topic = topical

tradition = traditional

triumph = triumphal

universe = universal

president = presidential

resident = residential

province = provincial

Place name + (i)an

Indonesia = Indonesian

Australia = Australian

Bolivia = Bolivian

Cambodia = Cambodian

Asia = Asian

India = Indian

Russia = Russian

Syria = Syrian

America = American

Kecuali Somali menjadi Somali

Nama tempat + an

Belgium = Belgian

Brazil = Brazilian

Ecuador = Ecuadorian

Egypt = Egyptian

Iran = Iranian

Guam = Guamanian

Italy = Italian

Norway = Norwegian

Peru = Peruvian

Noun + y

boss = bossy

breeze = breezy

chill = chilly

dew = dewy

draft = drafty

droop = droopy

fire = firy

foam = foamy

fox = foxy

frost = frosty

gloom = gloomy

ink = inky

knot = knotty

lace = lacy

lump = lumpy

mist = misty

mood = moody

moss = mossy

panick = panickly

patch = patchy

pearl = pearly

pepper = peppery

rock = rocky

salt = salty

scare = scary

shake = shaky

shift = shifty

sketch = sketchy

soup = soupy

spider = spidery

swamp = swampy

sweat = sweaty

weed = weedy

willow = willowy

worm = wormy

Noun + ary

discipline = disciplinary

fragment = fragmentary

legend = legendary

planet = planetary

prime = primary

vision = visionary

Noun + ed

forest = forested

point = pointed

priviledge = priviledged

rib = ribbed

ridge = ridged

talent = talented

wood = wooded


abandoned = ditinggalkan

able = bisa/mampu

absolute = mutlak

adorable = mengagumkan

adventorous = petualang

acceptable = dapat diterima

acclaimed = diakui

accomplished = ulung/berbakat

accurate = tepat

active = aktif

actual = aktual

adept = mahir

admirable = mengagumkan

admired = kagum

adolescent = remaja

adorable = menarik

adored = memuja

afraid = takut

aged = berumur

aggravating = menjengkelkan

agile = tangkas

agitated = gelisah

agonizing = menyiksa

ajar = terbuka sedikit

alarmed = khawatir

alert = waspada

alive = hidup

all = semua

amazing = menakjubkan

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