Jenis dan Fungsi Adverbs dalam Bahasa Inggris


Hallo, dalam kesempatan kali ini, kita akan membahas tentang Penggunaan kata keterangan dalam Bahasa Inggris. (Hello, on this occasion, we will discuss about adverbs in English.)

Adverb adalah kata keterangan yang menjelaskan bagaimana caranya (how), dimana (where), kapan (when), berapa kali (How many times) dan sebagainya, suatu pekerjaan dilakukan atau peristiwa terjadi. (Adverb describes how,  where,  when,  how many times,  and so on, a job is done or an event occurs.)

Macam-macam adverbs (Kinds of Adverbs)

1. Adverb of manner. Adalah kata keterangan yang menjelaskan cara sesuatu pekerjaan dilakukan (How). (Adverb of manners. Is an adverb that describes the way something is done (How).)


He runs quickly

Penjelasan: Dia laki-laki berlari dengan kencang. Quickly disini menerangkan kata kerja run. (Explanation: He's a boy running fast. Quickly here explains the verb run.)

2. Adverb of place and direction, adalah kata keterangan yang menyatakan tempat terjadi dan arah terjadinya suatu tindakan atau peristiwa. (Adverb of place and direction, is an adverb that states the place and direction of the occurrence of an action or event.)

Contoh: (Example:)

She will come here again

Penjelasan: Kata here (disini) berfungsi sebagai keterangan tempat.  (Explanation: The word here (here) functions as an adverb of place.)

3. Adverb of time. Adalah kata keterangan yang menyatakan waktu terjadinya suatu pekerjaan / peristiwa. (Adverb of time. Is an adverb that states the time of the occurrence of a job / event.)

Ada 2 (dua) macam keterangan waktu, yaitu: (There are 2 (two) kinds of adverbs of time, namely:)

1. Definite, yaitu yang menyatakan waktu tertentu dengan jelas. (Definite, which states a certain time clearly.)

Misalnya: (for example:)

yesterday= kemarin, 

now= sekarang, 

tomorrow= besok, 

today= hari ini, 

last week= minggu kemarin, 

last month= bulan lalu, etc

2. Indefinite, yaitu yang menyatakan waktu tak tentu. (Indefinite, which expresses indefinite time.)

Misalnya: (for example:)

recently= baru-baru, 

soon= segera, 

just= hanya, 

nowadays= baru-baru ini, 



I am learning English now.

Penjelasan: Kata now artinya sekarang. now sebagai kata keterangan waktu. di letakan di akhir kalimat, jika di simpan didepan menggunakan tanda koma. (Explanation: The word now means now. now as an adverb of time. placed at the end of the sentence, if stored in front of using a comma.)

now, I am learning English.

4. Adverb of degree, Adalah kata keterangan yang menjelaskan tingkat derajat atau seberapa jauh sesuatu hal itu. (Adverb of degree, is an adverb that describes the degree of degree or how far something is.)

Ada dua macam Adverb of degree, yaitu: (There are two kinds of adverbs of degree, namely:)

1. Yang menunjukan how much berkenaan dengan adjective atau adverb. (Which shows how much with respect to an adjective or adverb.)

Misalnya: (for example:)

recently= baru-baru, 

very= sangat, 

too= terlau, 

rather= agak, 

extremely= sangat, 

fairly= cukup, 

quite= lumayan,


2. Yang menunjukan how complete (seberapa lengkap) (Which shows how complete (how complete))

Misalnya: (for example:)

almost= hampir, 

nearly= hampir, 

wholy= seluruhnya,


a. Yang berkenaan dengan verb (related to verb)

Contoh: (example:)

He has almost finished working

b. Yang berkenaan dengan adjective (related to adjective)

Contoh (example):

They are practically ready to begin the show.

5. Adverb of frequency, Adalah kata keterangan yang menyatakan frekuensi, sering tidaknya suatu pekerjaan dilakukan atau peristiwa terjadi. (Adverb of frequency, is an adverb that states the frequency, whether or not a job is done or an event occurs.)

Misalnya: (for example:)

Usually= biasanya, 

often= sering

always= selalu

sometimes= kadang-kadang

Contoh  (example):

She sometimes comes late.

He always wakes up early

6. Adverb of quantity, Adalah kata keterangan yang menjelaskan jumlah atau berapa kali suatu pekerjaan dilakukan atau peristiwa terjadi. (Adverb of quantity, is an adverb that describes the number or number of times a job is done or an event occurs.)


She studies English little.

He won the prize twice

7. Interrogative adverb, Adalah kata keterangan yang dibuat untuk membuat suatu pertanyaan. (Interrogative adverb, is an adverb that is made to make a question.)

Misalnya: (for example:)

Why= mengapa, 

Where= Kemana atau dimana, 

How= bagaimana, 

When= kapan, 

How long= berapa lama,


Contoh (example)::

Where did you buy this bag?

8. Relative adverb, Adalah kata keterangan yang berfungsi sebagai penghubung dalam kalimat. (Relative adverb is an adverb that functions as a connector in a sentence.)

Misalnya: (for example:)

when= ketika,

therefore= karena itu, 

accordingly= demikian, 

moreover= lebih-lebih lagi, 

besides= selain itu, 

however= namun, 


Contoh (example)::

I don’t remember when I met her for the first time = Saya tidak ingat ketika saya bertemu dia (pr) pertama kali


1. As modifier a verb (penjelas kata kerja)
The boy threw the ball quickly
threw = melempar  (kata kerja) 
quickly = dengan cepat (adverb)

2. As modifier of an adjectives (penjelas kata sifat)
It was interestingly designed museum.
interestingly = yang menarik (adverb)
designed = desain  (kata sifat)

3. Modifier other adverb (penjelas adverb lainnya)
My sister play the piano very well
Very = dengan sangat (adverb)
Well = dengan baik (adverb)

4. As modifier noun phrases (penjelas phrasa kata benda)
They were quite some players
quite = sungguh

5. As modifier of entire sentence (penjelas keseluruhan kalimat)
Yesterday, we submitted the report to the committee.

Tingkat Perbandingan Adverb (Degree of Comparison Adverb)

 1.Bentuk positive (Positive degree)
His car runs as fast as a race car.

2. Bentuk comparative (Comparative degree)
His car runs much more quickly than yours

3. Bentuk superlative (Superlative degree)
Contoh: (example)
It rains the most frequently in january

Demikian, semoga bermanfaat......

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