Tanda Baca dalam Bahasa Inggris


Hallo, dalam kesempatan kali ini, kita akan membahas tentang tanda baca dalam Bahasa Inggris. (Hello, on this occasion, we will discuss about punctuation in English.)

Tanda Baca atau Punctuations dalam Bahasa Inggris

Tanda baca digunakan untuk menunjukan seorang penulis mengklasifikasikan kata-katanya. Tanda baca juga berpengaruh kepada bagaimana pembaca membaca sebuah tulisan. (Punctuation marks are used to show a writer classifying his words. Punctuation also affects how readers read an article.)

Berikut beberapa tanda baca yang lazim dalam Bahasa Inggris. (Here are some common punctuation marks in English.)

End Punctuation

End punctuation adalah tanda baca yang terletak diakhir sebuah kalimat. (End punctuation is a punctuation mark at the end of a sentence.)

1. Full stop atau titik (.)

Tanda full stop digunakan dalam sebuah kalimat di akhir. Tanda ini menunjukan bahwa suatu kalimat telah selesai. (The full stop is used in a sentence at the end. This sign indicates that a sentence has been completed.)

Contoh: (example:)

Mira. W is a writer.

Mr. Rudi is an English teacher at SMPN 24 Jakarta.

Hendrik Siahaan is a lawyer.

Tanda full stop juga digunakan jika suatu kata disingkat. (A full stop is also used when a word is abbreviated.)

Contoh: (example:)

St. Rd. Dr. Mrs. Mr.

Mrs. Rita is a principal.

Mira. W is a writer.

2. Question mark atau tanda tanya (?)

- Tanda tanya adalah tanda baca yang digunakan diakhir kalimat jika berupa kalimat pertanyaan. (A question mark is a punctuation mark that is used at the end of a sentence if it is a question sentence)

Contoh: (example:)

Do you believe that?

Where have you been?

- Tanda tanya digunakan pada akhir pertanyaan yang dikutip. (A question mark is used at the end of a quoted question)

Contoh: (example:)

"Who have been her?" he asked.

"Why did you do that?" she asked her boyfriend.

- Tanda tanya dipakai dalam question tag. (Question marks are used in question tags.)

Contoh: (example:)

You will come, won't you?

Your father is a teacher, isn't he?

3. Exclamation mark (!)

Exclamation atau tanda seru digunakan untuk kalimat yang menunjukan emosi yang kuat. Ungkapan emosi tersebut seperti sedih, senang, marah, dan lainnya. (Exclamation or exclamation marks are used for sentences that show strong emotions. Expressions of emotions such as sad, happy, angry, and others.)

Contoh: (example:)

Watch out! The floor is slippery.

Listen to me! I am talking to you.

Internal Punctuation

Yaitu punctuation atau tanda baca yang terletak didalam sebuah kalimat. (That is punctuation or punctuation that is located in a sentence.)

1. Comma atau koma (,)

- Tanda koma digunakan untuk memisahkan kata, frasa, atau kalimat. Tanda koma artinya beristirahat sebentar dalam membaca.  (Commas are used to separate words, phrases, or sentences. A comma means a short break in reading.)

Contoh: (example:)

Yesterday I bought butter, milk, sugar, and cheese.

- Tanda koma digunakan pada  klausa adjective (a non-defining adjectival clause) (A comma is used in an adjective clause (a non-defining adjective clause))

Contoh: (example:)

Poverty, which is disgrace to mankind, should be dealt with urgently.

- Tanda koma dipakai setelah jawaban yes/no question, juga dipakai pada introductory expression, seperti oh, well, dan sebagainya. (A comma is used after the answer to a yes/no question, it is also used in introductory expressions, such as oh, well, and so on.)

Contoh: (example:)

No, I will not come to your party.

well, I dhink you are right.

- Tanda koma dipakai dalam question tag. (The comma is used in the question tag.)

Contoh: (example:)

He is a doctor, isn't he?

Hendrik is a good boy, isn't he?

2. colon atau titik dua (:)

- Colon digunakan setelah pernyataan yang membutuhkan contoh atau list. (Colon is used after statements that require an example or a list.)

Contoh: (example:)

After investigation, police found in the house: blood, gun, wallet, and jewelry.

Members of The Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) are: Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, and Vietnam. 

- Colon digunakan diantara statement dan klarifikasi. (Colon is used between statements and clarifications)

Contoh: (example:)

My father always taught us one important rule in life: always be honest.

3. Semi colon (;)

- Semi colon digunakan untuk memisahkan dua klausa atau kalimat, yang masih terkait. (Semi colon is used to separate two clauses or sentences, which are still related.)

Contoh: (example:)

Jhon annoys his friend; he speaks bluntly and too openly too often.

4. The dash (--)

- Dash atau strip digunakan sama seperti koma, namun lebih kuat. Dash digunakan untuk memberikan informasi tambahan. (Dash or strip is used the same as a comma, but is more powerful. Dash is used to provide additional information.)

Contoh: (example:)

He is so pompous - so unlike his brother.

- Dash digunakan untuk pernyataan kesimpulan. (Dash is used for conclusion statements.)

Contoh: (example:)

respect,honest to others - these are two elements crucials in life.

5. Bracket ()

- Bracket digunakan untuk memberikan informasi tambahan. (Brackets are used to provide additional information.)

Contoh: (example:)

That is my friend (who I told you about yesterday) has been come from England.

6. Hypen (-)

- Hypen atau tanda penghubung digunakan untuk menggabungkan dua kata ata lebih menjadi compound word. (Hyphens or hyphens are used to combine two or more words into a compound word.)

Contoh: (example:)


- Hypen digunakan untuk compound numbers dari nomor 21 sampai 99. (Hyphens are used for compound numbers from 21 to 99.)

Contoh: (example:)


- Hypen digunakan untuk beberapa adjective sebelum noun atau kata benda. (Hypen is used for several adjectives before a noun or noun.)

Contoh: (example:)

a two-weeks school holiday.

- Hypen digunakan untuk memisahkan prefixes dan kata dasar, (Hypen is used to separate prefixes and root words.)

Contoh: (example:)


- Hypen digunakan untuk memisahkan kata yang sama baik konsonan atau vokal. (Hypen is used to separate the same word either consonant or vowel.)

Contoh: (example:)



Demikian penjelasan mengenai beberapa contoh dan fungsi punctuation atau tanda baca. Semoga dapat bermanfaat..

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