Present Perfect Tense


Hallo, dalam kesempatan kali ini, kita akan membahas tentang Penggunaan Present perfect tense dalam Bahasa Inggris. (Hello, on this occasion, we will discuss about Present perfect tense in English.)


Present perfect tense adalah pola kalimat yang dipakai untuk menunjukkan peristiwa yang sudah selesai pada waktu sekarang tetapi masih ada kaitannya dan tidak disebutkan keterangan waktunya. Penekanan kalimatnya ada pada sudah selesainya perbuatan tersebut. (Present perfect tense is a sentence pattern that is used to show events that have been completed at the present time but are still related and are not stated in time. The emphasis of the sentence is on the completion of the action.)

Fungsi Present perfect Tense  (Functions of Present perfect Tense )

1. Fungsi Present Perfect Tense adalah untuk menyatakan perbuatan yang telah selesai dilakukan dimasa lalu dan masih ada hubungannya dengan masa kini. (The function of the Present Perfect Tense is to express actions that have been completed in the past and still have something to do with the present.)


I have written a letter = Saya sudah menulis sebuah surat.

She has gone to London = Dia perempuan telah pergi ke London.

Have you done your homework? = Sudahkah kamu selesai mengerjakan pekejaan rumahmu?

They haven't seen the movie yet. = Mereka belum melihat film itu.

Biasanya Present Perfect Tense menggunakan since dan for. Since dan for menunjukan kurun waktu tertentu dari sejak kegiatan dimulai sampai sekarang. (Usually the Present Perfect Tense uses since and for. Since and for indicate a certain period of time from the start of the activity until now.)

Since artinya sejak, menunjukan waktu dari suatu waktu tertentu pada saat kegiatan atau perbuatan tersebut dimulai sampai sekarang. (Since showing the time from a certain time when the activity or deed started until now.)


since March 2021

since the last five years

since 2020 

dan sebagainya.

Contoh dalam kalimat: (Examples in sentences)

I have lived in Purwakarta since 1990 = Saya sudah tinggal di Purwakarta sejak tahun 1990

I have been here since 7 o'clock = Saya sudah disini sejak pukul 7.

She has not spoken to him since last month = Dia perempuan belum bicara dengan dia laki-laki dari bulan lalu.

Sedangkan for yang artinya selama, menunjukan arti lamanya waktu dari waktu tertentu sampai sekarang. For selalu diikuti oleh jumlah waktu tersebut.  (While for shows the meaning of the length of time from a certain time until now. For is always followed by the amount of time.)


for ten years = selama sepulug tahun

for a week = selama satu minggu

for five days = selama lima hari

for two months = selama dua bulan

dan sebagainya

Contoh dalam kalimat: (Examples in sentences)

I haven't seen him for two weeks = Saya belum bertemu dengan dia laki-laki selama dua minggu.

I have lived in Bandung for ten years = Saya telah tinggal di Bandung selama sepuluh tahun.

He has taught here for 20 years = Bapak Hilman telah mengajar disini selama dua puluh tahun.

Dalam Present perfect ini juga sering digunakan adverb seperti: so far, until now, up to the present, still, just, already, never, almost, dan sebagainya.  (In the Present perfect, adverbs are often used, such as: so far, until now, up to the present, still, just, already, never, almost, and so on.)

Contoh dalam kalimat: (Examples in sentences)

Dandi has almost finished his homework = Dandi hampir menyelesaikan pekerjaan rumahnya.

The guest has just left the hotel.= Tamu itu sudah meninggalkan hotel

Have you ever gone to Bali. = Pernahkah kamu pergi ke Bali.

We have finished two chapters so far = Kita telah menyelesaikan dua bab sampai sejauh ini.

Dalam kalimat Present Perfect tense juga sering digunakan adverb seperti this, this week, this month, this year, this sunday, dan sebagainya. (In the present perfect tense, adverbs are often used, such as this, this week, this month, this year, this sunday, and so on.)

Contoh dalam kalimat: (Examples in sentences)

He has been quite ill this year. = Dia laki-laki telah sering sakit tahun ini.

They have gone shopping this morning = Mereka telah pergi berbelanja pagi ini.

Kalimat dalam Present Perfect tense juga sering menggunakan kata seperti: recently, lately, not...yet, dan sebagainya (Sentences in the Present Perfect tense also often use words like: recently, lately, not...yet, and so on)

Contoh dalam kalimat: (Examples in sentences)

What have you do recently = Apa yang telah kamu kerjakan baru-baru ini.

She hasn't finished my work yet = Dia perempuan belum menyelesaikan pekerjaannya.?

Rumus Present Perfect Tense (Present Perfect Tense Formula)

a. Declarative Sentence

Subject + have/has + Verb 3 (participle)

b. Negative Sentence

Untuk membuat kalimat negative (menyangkal) seperti Tense sebelumnya tambahkan not setelah have/has. (To make a negative sentence (deny) like the previous tense, add not after have/has)

Subject + have/has  + verb 3 (Participle)

c. Interogative Sentence

untuk  membuat kalimat tanya (interrogative) maka have/has ditempatkan di awal sbelum subyek.  (To make interrogative sentences, have/has is placed at the beginning before the subject.)

Have/has + subject + verb 3 (Participle)

a. Yes/ No Question

Untuk membuat bentuk pertanyaan yes/no question maka have/has ditempatkan diawal kalimat. Jawaban yang diharapkan atas pertanyaan ini adalah yes atau no. (To make a yes/no question, have/has is placed at the beginning of the sentence. The expected answer to this question is yes or no.)


Have you ever gone to Bandung? (Sudahkah/pernahkah kamu pergi ke Bandung?)

Have you done your homework? (Sudahkan kamu mengerjakan pekerjaan rumahmua?)

b. Information Question

Information question adalah bentuk pertanyaan yang memerlukan jawaban. Bentuk pertanyaan ini biasanya menggunakan kata tanya seperti what, where, when, why, who dan how. (Information question is a form of question that requires an answer. This form of question usually uses question words such as what, where, when, why, who and how.)

Untuk membuat kata tanya bentuk information question maka rumusnya adalah: (To make a question word in the form of an information question, the formula is:)

Question words ( what, where, when, why, who dan how) + have/has + been + S + V3 + past participle + Object

Contoh kalimat: (Examples)

Why have you moved my stuff? (Mengapa kamu memindahkan barang-barang saya?)

Where has the guest gone? (Kemana para tamu pergi?)

Jika question word menanyakan subjek, susunan kalimatnya adalah: (If the question word asks the subject, the sentence structure is:)

Question words ( what, where, when, why, who dan how) + have/has + V3 + Complement

Contoh kalimatnya: (Examples)

Who has painted the class? (Siapa yang mengecat kelas ini?)

Who have washed the shoes?  (Siapa yang mencuci sepatu?)

Penggunaan Have/Has (Use of Have/Has)

Penggunaan have untuk subyek I, You, We, They, sedangkan untuk penggunaan Has digunakan untuk kata ganti orang ketiga tunggal yaitu He, She, It. (The use of have for the subjects I, You, We, They, while the use of Has is used for the third person singular, namely He, She, It.)



I have finished read the book

You have finished read the book

We have finished read the book

They have finished read the book

He has finished read the book 

Contoh kalimat Present Perfect Tense (Example sentences of Present Perfect Tense)

They have not order the meal. (Mereka belum memesan makanan?).

Sindi has gone to Medan twice. (Sindi sudah pergi ke Medan dua kali?).

Rinto has given the invitation to me. (Rinto telah memberikan undangan kepada saya?)

Have you called your mother? (Sudahkan kamu menelepon ibumu?)

Have you ever gone to bali? (Pernahkan kamu pergi ke Bali?)

She has not finished her task. (Dia perempuan belum menyelesaikan tugasnya?)

Apabila dalam sebuah kalimat bentuk present perfect ini predikatnya bukan kata kerja atau biasa disebut kalimat nominat, maka perlu ditambahkan kata been sebagai auxiliary verb. (If in a sentence in the present perfect form the predicate is not a verb or commonly called a nominative sentence, it is necessary to add the word been as an auxiliary verb.)

Contoh dalam kalimat: (Example in sentences)

I have been here since 7 O'clock = Saya sudah disini sejak pukul 7

My father has been a teacher since 2015. = Ayah saya sudah menjadi seorang guru sejak tahun 2015.

Penggunaan present perfect juga dapat dibedakan dari apa yang dibicarakan. Sebuah kalimat dalam bentuk present perfect tense dipergunakan untuk: (The use of the present perfect can also be distinguished from what is being said. A sentence in the present perfect tense is used to:)

1. Memberikan informasi tentang suatu pengalaman yang telah dilakukan. (Provide information about an experience that has been done.)

Contoh dalam kalimat: (Example in a sentence)

I have ever gone to Brazil = Saya pernah pergi ke Brazil

2. Membicarakan tentang sesuatu perubahan dari waktu tertentu sampai sekarang (Talking about something changing from a certain time to now)

Contoh dalam kalimat:  (Example in a sentence)

His English has improved since he study abroad = kemampuan Bahasa Inggris dia laki-laki telah lebih baik sejak belajar diluar negeri.

3. Pencapaian atau hasil atas apa yang telah dilakukan (Achievements or results for what has been done)

Contoh dalam kalimar: (Example in a sentence)

Gina has won Karate championship twice this year = Gina telah memenangkan kejuaraan karate dua kali tahun ini.

4. Kegiatan yang belum selesai sampai sekarang. (Activities that have not been completed until now.)

Contoh dalam kalimat: (Example in  sentences)

My son has not come yet  since this morning = Anak laki-laki saya belum datang sejak tadi pagi.

I haven't finished my homework = Saya belum menyelesaikan pekerjaan rumah saya.

Latihan Soal / Exercises

Ubah Kalimat menjadi Present Perfect Tense / Change the sentence into Present Perfect Tense

1. Andi swam the river with his friends last week.


2. The students are reading some books.


3. I reserved two tickets last week.


4. Willi lives in Bandung.


5. We are planning to Singapore next week.


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