Apa itu Antecedent dalam Bahasa Inggris


Hallo, dalam kesempatan kali ini, kita akan membahas tentang antecedent dalam Bahasa Inggris. (Hello, on this occasion, we will discuss about antecedent in English.)

Antecedent adalah benda atau noun yang digantikan oleh pronoun (kata ganti), bisa berupa kata, frase atau klausa. Dalam soal-soal di sekolah biasanya disebut referring atau rujukan kata. Biasanya antecedent terletak sebelum kata ganti (pronoun), atau disebutkan dahulu baru kemudian di gantikan oleh kata ganti. (Antecedent is an object or noun that is replaced by a pronoun (pronoun), it can be a word, phrase or clause. In school questions, it is usually called referring or referring to words. Usually the antecedent is located before the pronoun, or is mentioned first and then replaced by a pronoun.)

Contoh: (example:)

Andi is reading newspaper. He always reads it every afternoon after coming from his school.

Yang manakah antecedent dari kalimat diatas? (Which is the antecedent of the sentence above?)

Yang harus di perhatikan dalam menyusun kalimat yang mengandung antecedent adalah kesetaraan antara pronoun atau kata ganti dengan antecedentnya. (What must be considered in composing sentences containing antecedents is the equivalence between pronouns or pronouns with their antecedents.)


Pronoun harus sesuai dengan Noun yang digantikannya (number, gender and person). (The pronoun must match the noun it replaces (number, gender and person))

Jika antecedent singular, maka pronounnya harus singular. (If the antecedent is singular, then the pronoun must be singular.)

Jika antecedent plural, maka pronounnya juga plural. (If the antecedent is plural, then the pronoun is also plural.)

Jika antecedent perempuan, maka pronounnya harus she, her atau hers. (If the antecedent is female, the pronoun must be she, her or hers.)

Jika antecedentnya lelaki maka pronounnya harus he, his, atau him. (If the antecedent is male, the pronoun must be he, his, or him.)

it dan its digunakan untuk tumbuhan atau benda mati yang tidak mempunyai gender (it and its are used for plants or inanimate objects that have no gender)

It juga biasa digunakan untuk binatang. (It is also commonly used for animals)

Contoh Kalimat yang menggunakan antecedent: (Example Sentences that use antecedents:)

I don't like this song. It is so boring.

The king sat in his throne; the queen sat in hers.

Students are advised to have enough sleep, because they cannot expect to do well in their studies if they are always tired.

Sexual Bias

Untuk somebody, someone, everyone atau each biasanya digunakan masculine singular pronoun. (For somebody, someone, everyone or each usually used masculine singular pronoun)

Contoh: (example:)

Everyone may do what he chooses

Tetapi hal ini kemudian menimbulkan bias, sehingga bisa digunakan he or she. (But this then creates a bias, so it can be used he or she)

Contoh: (example:)

Everyone may do what he or she chooses.

Beberapa ada juga yang menggunakan plural pronoun. (Some also use plural pronouns)

Contoh: (example:)

Everyone may do what they choose.

Atas hal ini, maka disarankan untuk membuat kalimat dengan cara yang lain tanpa menggunakan pronoun. (For this reason, it is recommended to make sentences in another way without using pronouns.)

Contoh: (example:)

All employees may do whatever they choose.

Collective Noun

Singular atau plural pronoun bisa digunakan untuk antecedent berupa collective noun, tergantung dari konteks kalimatnya. Jika sebagai satu grup maka digunakan singular pronoun. (Singular or plural pronouns can be used for antecedents in the form of collective nouns, depending on the context of the sentence. If as a group, a singular pronoun is used.)

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