15 Verbs Patterns dalam Bahasa Inggris


Hallo, dalam kesempatan kali ini, kita akan membahas tentang verb pattern dalam Bahasa Inggris. (Hello, on this occasion, we will discuss about verb pattern in English.)

Verb Patterns from 11-25

11. Subject + verb + that-clause

Dalam pola kalimat ini, kata kerja atau verb mempunyai sebuah that-clause. Beberapa kata kerja yang dipakai dalam pola ini adalah:

(In this sentence pattern, the verb has a that-clause. Some of the verbs used in this pattern are:)

see, feel, hear, think, expect, hope, wish, suppose, sugested, intended, say, doubt, fear, etc

Subject + verb + that-clause

I suppose that you will be there

I heard that you have been ill

He said that he was busy

We all hope that you would be able to come.

Do you doubt that I can do it?

I expect he'll be late

Preposisi to atau indirect object bisa ada diantara kata kerja dan that-clause. (The preposition to or indirect object can be between the verb and the that-clause)

He confess to her that he had spent all his money.

I suggested to them that it might be better to wait.

12. Subject + verb + (pro)noun + that-clause

Dalam pola kalimat ini kata kerja atau verb digunakan bersama (pro)noun dan that-clause. (In this sentence pattern the verb or verb is used together (pro)noun and that-clause.)

Subject + verb + (pro)noun + that-clause

Did he warn you that he might be late.

They told me that I was too early.

We informed the manager that we were willing to work overtime.

Remind him that the meeting in on Friday.

I told you thatI want to talk to you.

Did he warn you of the danger

13. Subject + verb + Conjunctive + to-infinitive, etc

Conjunctive adalah what, when, where, who, who, whose, why, how, whether, dan if yang digunakan sebagai relative adverb atau relative pronoun. (The conjunctive is what, when, where, who, who, whose, why, how, whether, and if which are used as relative adverbs or relative pronouns.)

Kata yang biasa digunakan dalam pola ini adalah: wish, consider, decide, explain, find out, forget, hear, inquiry, know, learn, observe, perceive, remember, see, settle, tell, think, understand, wonder, etc

(The words commonly used in this pattern are: wish, consider, decide, explain, find out, forget, hear, inquiry, know, learn, observe, perceive, remember, see, settle, tell, think, understand, wonder, etc.)

Subject + verb + Conjunctive + to-infinitive, etc

She did not know which one to buy.

Do you know what to look for?

Have they decided where to build a new school?

He didn't know whether to go on or turn back.

Have you settled where to go?

I wonder how to get there

14. Subject + verb (pro)noun +  Conjunctive + to-infinitive, etc

Dalam pola kalimat ini kata kerja atau verb diikuti oleh (pro)noun dan conjunctive ditambah to-infinitive. (In this sentence pattern the verb or verb is followed by (pro)noun and conjunctive plus to-infinitive.)

Subject + verb (pro)noun +  Conjunctive + to-infinitive, etc

I showed them how to do it.

Ask your teacher how to pronounce the word.

Please inform me where to get the ticket.

Show him where to put it

Please tell me what to buy.

Will you advice me which to buy?

15.  Subject + verb + Conjunctive + clause

Dalam pola kalimat ini obyeknya adalah clause atau kalimat yang diawali oleh conjunctive. Conjunctive adalah what, when, where, who, who, whose, why, how, whether, dan if yang digunakan sebagai relative adverb atau relative pronoun. Clause tersebut bisa berupa exclamation atau dependent question. (In this sentence pattern the object is a clause or sentence that begins with a conjunctive. The conjunctive is what, when, where, who, who, whose, why, how, whether, and if which are used as relative adverbs or relative pronouns. The clause can be an exclamation or a dependent question.)

Subject + verb + Conjunctive + clause

Nobody will believe how difficult this work has been.

I wonder why he hasn't come

Please say where you want to go.

The captain decide who shall play in the team.

Few people know how hard he works.

I will aks when the train leaves.

16. Subject + verb + (pro)noun + Conjunctive + clause

Dalam pola ini kata kerja digunakan bersama dengan (pro)noun (yang dalam beberapa kasus objek langsung dan kasus lainnya objek tidak langsung) dan clause yang diawali oleh sebuah conjunctive.

(In this pattern the verb is used together with a (pro)noun (which in some cases is a direct object and in other cases an indirect object) and a clause that begins with a conjunctive.)

Subject + verb + (pro)noun + Conjunctive + clause

Tell me what this is

Ask him where he put it.

Can you inform me whether the train stop at London.

Can you tell me how high it is?

Everyone told us how well you played

She asked her brother when he would be back

17. Subject + verb _ gerund, etc

Dalam pola kalimat ini, kata kerja memiliki sebuah gerund. (In this sentence pattern, the verb has a gerund.)

Subject + verb _ gerund, etc

Please stop talking

She enjoys playing football

She likes swimming

I hate having to refuse every time

My shoes want mending

Your work needs correcting

18. Subject + verb + (Pro)noun + to + (Pro)noun

Subject + verb + (Pro)noun + for + (Pro)noun

Subject + verb + (Pro)noun + preposition + (Pro)noun

Subject + verb + preposition + (Pro)noun +  Direct Object

Subject + verb + it + preposition + (Pro)noun +  Direct Object

Dalam pola kalimat ini ada beberapa variasi atau bentuk seperti pola diatas. (In this sentence pattern there are several variations or forms like the pattern above.)

He read the letter to all his friend

She bought a dictionary for her brother.

She has made coffee for all of us.

They accused her of taking the money

I explained to him the impossibility of granting his request

You musn't take it upon yourself to spend such large sums of money without getting the Treasurer's approval.

19. Subject + verb + Indirect Object + Direct Object

Dalam pola kalimat ini, kata kerja mempunyai dua objek yaitu objek langsung dan objek tak langsung. (In this sentence pattern, the verb has two objects, namely the direct object and the indirect object)

Subject + verb + Indirect Object + Direct Object

Have they paid you the money

Please pass me the salt.

Will you buy me some?

She made herself a new dress

I envy you your fine garden

They will save me a lot of trouble

20. Subject + verb + (Indirect Object) + Adverbial Adjunct

Dalam pola kalimat ini kata kerja digunakan bersama dengan adverbial adjunct of distance, duration, wieght, price etc. (In this sentence pattern the verb is used together with the adverbial adjunct of distance, duration, wieght, price etc.)

Subject + verb + (Indirect Object) + Adverbial Adjunct

We walked (for) five miles

We waited all day

The book cost (me) fifty thousand rupiah

The rain lasted all day

He may live (for) many years.

Have you been working a long time?

21. Subject + verb

There + verb + Subject

It + verb + Subject

Dalam pola kalimat ini, beberapa kata kerja adalah berbentuk intransitive atau kata kerja yang tidak memerlukan objek. Banyak pula kata kerja yang dapat digunakan sebagai transitive dan intransitive. (In this sentence pattern, some verbs are intransitive or verbs that do not require an object. There are also many verbs that can be used as transitive and intransitive.)

Subject + verb

There + verb + Subject

It + verb + Subject

The moon rose

Who cares?

There was no wind

There is a man to see you

It doesn't matter whether we start now or later.

It seemed that the day would never end.

22. Subject + verb (be) + Subject Complement

Subject complement + Subject + verb

Subject + Verb (be) + adverb or prepositional phrase

Subject + to be + infinitive, etc

It + to be + Subject complement + Subject

Subject + verb + subject complement

Dalam pola kalimat ini kata kerja diikuti oleh subject somplement. Banyak kata kerja yang membutuhkan subject complement yang mungkin berupa (pro)noun, gerund, adjective, adverb atau prepositional phrase, atau clause.

(In this sentence pattern the verb is followed by the subject complement. Many verbs require a subject complement which may be a (pro)noun, gerund, adjective, adverb or prepositional phrase, or clause.)

Subject + verb (be) + Subject Complement

Subject complement + Subject + verb

Subject + Verb (be) + adverb or prepositional phrase

Subject + to be + infinitive, etc

It + to be + Subject complement + Subject

Subject + verb + subject complement

This is a book

That house is doctor's

What is that?

The war is over

Who is to blame

It is easy to do that

It's no use your trying to do that.

It is true that he is going to retire next year

It was hard for him to live on small pension

He seemed much older.

It seemed to go on.The leaves are turning brown

23. Subject + verb + Adverbial complement

There + verb + subject + Adverbial complement

Here/There + Subject + verb

Dalam pola kalimat ini, kata kerja atau verb memiliki adverbial complement. (In this sentence pattern, the verb or verb has an adverbial complement)

Subject + verb + Adverbial complement

There + verb + subject + Adverbial complement

Here/There + Subject + verb

Come in

Stand up

There are three windows in this room

Here they come!

There are the others

24. Subject + verb + Preposition + Prepositional object

You can rely upon the man

He failed in his examination

Subject + verb + Preposition + (Pro)noun + to-infinitive

I rely up on you to be discreet

Can I count on all of you to help?

Subject + verb + (prep) + (it) + that-clause

I agree that it was a mistake.

Can you swear (to)(it) that every member of the commitetee will support your proposal

Subject + verb + (preposition) + clause, phrase, etc

Have you decided (upon) where you will spend your holiday?

Don't worry about how the money was spent

25. Subject + verb + to-infinitive, etc

We stopped to have a rest

They agreed to join us

He came to see that he was mistaken

I rejoice to hear your success

They seemed not to notice it

We are to be married in May

Subject + be going + to-infinitive, etc

Is it going to be fine tomorrow?

I am going to finish this work before six a'clocl

She's going to have a baby

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