Kalimat Pasif dalam Bahasa Inggris


Hallo, dalam kesempatan kali ini, kita akan membahas tentang Penggunaan kalimat pasif dalam Bahasa Inggris. (Hello, on this occasion, we will discuss about passive voice in English.)

Kalimat pasif atau passive voice digunakan untuk menunjukan bahwa seseorang lebih tertarik terhadap object dalam kalimat aktif, sehingga lebih menekankan kepada objeknya, karena dalam kalimat pasif objek dalam kalimat aktif  menjadi subjek dalam kalimat pasif.  (The passive voice is used to show that someone is more interested in the object in the active sentence, so that it places more emphasis on the object, because in passive sentences the object in the active sentence becomes the subject in the passive sentence.)

Untuk membuat kalimat pasif perlu diperhatikan beberapa hal, yaitu: (To make passive sentences, you need to pay attention to several things, namely:)

1. Subyek, Dalam kalimat pasif, subyek kalimat aktif ditempatkan menjadi objek. (In the passive voice, the subject of the active sentence is placed as the object)

2. Action (verb), Dalam kalimat pasif, kata kerja aktif menjadi kata kerja pasif. (In the passive voice, the active verb becomes a passive verb)

3. Objek, Dalam kalimat pasif, objek dalam kalimat aktif menjadi subyek. (In the passive voice, the object in the active sentence becomes the subject.)

Dapat disimpulkan bahwa ada pertukaran peran subject dan objek, selain itu ada perubahan kata kerjanya. (It can be concluded that there is an exchange of roles of subject and object, besides that there is a change in the verb.)

Beberapa contoh kalimat Pasif (Some examples of Passive Sentences)

1. Simple Present Tense

Subject + To be (am, are, is) + Verb 3 (participle)

Aktif: Adi writes three letters

Pasif: Three letters are written by Adi

2. Present Continous Tense

Subject + To be (am, are, is) + being + Verb 3 (participle)

Aktif: Adi is writing three letters

Pasif: Three letters are being written by Adi

3. Present Perfect Tense 

Subject + Have/Has + been + Verb 3 (participles)

Aktif: Adi has written three letters

Pasif: Three letters have been written by Adi

4. Simple Past Tense

Subject + To be (was/were) + Verb 3 (participle)

Aktif: Adi wrote three letters yesterday

Pasif: Three letters were written by Adi yesterday

5. Simple Future Tense

Subject + will + be + verb 3 (participle)

Aktif: Adi will write three letters tomorrow

Pasif: Three letters will be written by Adi tomorrow


Berikut akan ditampilkan beberapa perubahan yang terjadi pada kata kerja antara kata kerja aktif dan kata kerja pasif. Kata kerja yang dipakai adalah kata kerja "write." (The following will show some changes that occur in the verb between active and passive verbs. The verb used is the verb "write.")

TensesKalimat AktifKalimat Pasif
Present Simple Tensewrite(s)(am/are/is) written
Present Continous Tense(am/are/is) writing(am/are/is) being written
Past Simple Tensewrote(was/were) written
Past Continous Tense(was/were) writing(was/were) being written
Future Simple Tensewill writewill be written
Present Perfect Tensehas writtenhas been written

Ada beberapa hal atau catatan yang harus diperhatikan berkaitan dengan passive voice ini, yaitu: (There are several things or notes that must be considered regarding this passive voice, namely:)

1. Actor atau pelaku terkadang tidak disebutkan dalam kalimat pasif, dengan alasan mungkin karena penulis ingin lebih menonjolkan sisi action atau kegiatannya dibandingkan dengan pelakunya, atau karena dianggap actor dianggap kurang begitu penting untuk diungkap. (Actor is sometimes not mentioned in the passive voice, the reason may be because the writer wants to highlight the side of the action or activity compared to the perpetrator, or because it is considered that the actor is considered less important to reveal.)


The snake was killed near the river yesterday.

2. Tidak semua kalimat aktif dapat dibuat menjadi kalimat pasif. Ada beberapa kalimat yang hanya bisa dibuat dalam kalimat aktif. (Not all active sentences can be made into passive sentences. There are some sentences that can only be made in the active voice.)


The rain fell

The baby sleep sweetly.

3. Baik kalimat aktif maupun kalimat pasif mempunyai fungsi dan kegunaanya masing-masing. Pilihan untuk menggunakan kalimat aktif atau pasif tergantung kepada penulis apakah ingin menonjolkan actor atau receiver. (Both active and passive sentences have their respective functions and uses. The choice to use active or passive voice depends on whether the writer wants to highlight the actor or the receiver.)

4. Ada beberapa kalimat tampaknya seperti kalimat pasif, padahal sebenarnya bukanlah kalimat pasif. Kalimat-kalimat tersebut dinamakan stative sentences, yaitu kalimat yang mengungkapkan tentang kondisi atau situasi. (There are some sentences that seem like passive sentences, when in fact they are not passive sentences. These sentences are called stative sentences, namely sentences that express about conditions or situations.)

Contoh: (example:)

He could not enter the door. All the doors were closed.

Kalimat diatas adalah kalimat aktif. Maksud dari kalimat "All the doors were closed" adalah kondisi atau situasi yang artinya kondisi semua pintu yang tertutup. Perhatikan jika kalimat diatas menjadi kalimat pasif,yaitu: (The sentence above is an active sentence. The meaning of the sentence "All the doors were closed" is a condition or situation which means the condition of all doors being closed. Notice if the sentence above becomes a passive sentence, namely:)

All the doors were being closed.

The doors were closed by Tom.

The doors have been opened.

Latihan Soal (exercise)

Buat kalimat aktif di bawah menjadi kalimat pasif (Make the active sentences below into passive sentences).

1. Kayla gave her boyfriend an expensive present. 

2. They can solve the problem.

3. Somebody should wait for Andini.

Demikian pembahasan tentang Passive Voice. Semoga dapat bermanfaat.......

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