Hallo, dalam kesempatan kali ini, kita akan membahas tentang Kalimat imperative dalam Bahasa Inggris. (Hello, on this occasion, we will discuss about imperative sentence in English.)
Kalimat Imperative Dalam Bahasa Inggris.
(Imperative sentences in English)
Kalimat imperative adalah kalimat yang didalamnya berisi antara lain: kalimat perintah langsung (direct command), Permintaan (request), undangan atau ajakan (invitation), peringatan (warning), atau bisa juga berupa instruksi.
(An imperative sentence is a sentence that contains, among other things: a direct command, a request, an invitation, a warning, or it could be an instruction.)
Penggunaan kalimat imperative berupa Permintaan (request), undangan atau ajakan (invitation), peringatan (warning), atau instruksi sering kita dengar dan gunakan dalam percakapan sehari-hari.
(The use of imperative sentences in the form of requests, invitations, warnings, or instructions we often hear and use in everyday conversation.)
Biasanya kalimat imperative relatif sederhana, simpel dan tidak terlalu panjang, walaupun mungkin dalam situasi tertentu kalimat imperative-nya lumayang panjang.
(Usually imperative sentences are relatively simple, simple and not too long, although maybe in certain situations the imperative sentences are quite long.)
Berikut contoh-contoh kalimat imperative.
(The following are examples of imperative sentences.)
1. Perintah Langsung (Direct command).
Kalimat imperative biasanya selalu dihubungkan dengan direct command. Jika di artikan dalam Bahasa Indonesia, kata imperative berarti perintah.
(Imperative sentences are usually always connected with direct commands. If interpreted in Indonesian, the imperative word means an order.)
Berikut contoh kalimat imperative bentuk kalimat perintah langsung (direct command):
(The following are examples of imperative sentences in the form of a direct command:)
- Stop! (berhenti!)
- Go! (Pergi!)
- Hurry up! (Ayo cepat!)
2. Permintaan (request),
- Give me a second chance please! (Tolong beri saya kesempatan kedua!)
- Send me you address please! (Tolong Kirimkan saya alamat Anda!)
- Please, close the door! (Tolong tutup pintunya!)
- Pour me a glass of water! (Tolong tuangkan Saya segelas air!)
- Let's go to the party! (Ayo kita pergi ke pesta!)
- Come to my house tonight! (Datanglah ke rumah saya malam ini)
- Let's go shopping! (Ayo kita berbelanja!)
- No smoking in this area! (Dilarang merokok di area ini!)
- No Food and Drink Allowed in Library! (Dilarang Makan dan Minum di Perpustakaan)
- Watch out, the floor is slippery! (Hati-hati, lantainya licin!)
- Take care! (hati-hati di jalan!)
- Listen to me! (Dengarkan saya!)
- Sit down! (Duduk!)
- Turn left at the end of the road. The stations in on the right. (Belok kiri diujung jalan. Stasiun Kereta ada di sebelah kanan.)
- Wash the fruits first before you eat it. (Cucilah dahulu buahnya seblum kamu memakannya)
- Take me out here, won't you? (Keluarkan saya dari sini, maukah?)
- Park in the lot nearby, will you? (Parkir di tempat terdekat, maukah)
- Talk (Berbicara)
- Listen (Mendengarkan
- Turn off (Matikan)
- Turn on (Nyalakan)
- Clean (Membersihkan)
- Cut (Memotong)
- Pour (Menuangkan)
- Bring (Membawa)
- Close (Menutup)
- Open (Membuka)
- Follow (Mengikuti)
- etc
- What is imperative sentences ?
- ....... the lamp before you go out!