Halo, Dalam kesempatan ini kita akan mendiskusikan mengenai kalimat langsung dan tidak langsung dalam Bahasa Inggris. (Hello, on this occasion, we will discuss about direct and indirect in English.)
Direct dan Indirect Dalam Bahasa Inggris (Direct and Indirect in English)
"Direct and indirect speech" dalam Bahasa Indonesia maksudnya adalah Kalimat Langsung dan tidak Langsung. Suatu kalimat yang diucapkan secara langsung dari pembicara disebut kalimat langsung atau dalam bahasa Inggris "Direct Speech". ("Direct and indirect speech" in Indonesian means direct and indirect speech. A sentence that is spoken directly of the speaker is called a direct sentence or in English "Direct Speech")
Mungkin saja direct and indirect speech ini menjadi sesuatu hal yang sulit bagi pembelajar Bahasa Inggris, Dalam pembahasan kita kali ini, akan kita bahas mengenai apa dan bagaimana "Direct Speech and Indirect Speech", cara penggunaannya dan cara merubah kalimat berbentuk "direct speech" menjadi "indirect Speech". (It is possible that direct and indirect speech is something that is difficult for English language learners. In our discussion this time, we will discuss what and how "Direct Speech and Indirect Speech" is, how to use it and how to change sentences in the form of "direct speech" into "indirect speech")
Sebagai contoh: (As an example:)
- Amir said, "I am ill" (Direct speech)
- Amir said that he was ill (Indirect speech)
Jika kita ingin menjawab pertanyaan "What did Mr. Doni say?", maka ada dua kemungkinan jawaban yang dapat kita berikan: (If we want to answer the question "What did Mr. Doni say?", then there are two possible answers that we can give:)
1. Dengan mengulang apa yang Mr. Doni katakan (direct speech),
(By repeating what Mr. Doni said (direct speech))
Contoh (Example):
Mr. Doni said:"I am happy now"
2. Dengan menggunakan cara melaporkan (indirect or reported speech).
(By using the way to report (indirect or reported speech))
Contoh (Example):
Mr. doni said that He was happy.
Direct speech mengulangi atau mengutip kata-kata yang persis sama seperti yang diucapkan. Dalam hal penulisan, direct speech di tempatkan diantara tanda kutip ("") (Direct speech repeats or quotes the exact same words as spoken. In the case of writing, direct speech is placed between quotation marks (""))
- "No, said Kimberly, "He's right"
- Lala said, "There's a do outside the window."
- My sister said, "I told you so"
Reported speech atau indirect speech biasanya digunakan untuk membicarakan mengenai kejadian di masa lalu, sehingga kita harus merubah tense terhadap apa yang diucapkan. Kata kerja yang biasa digunakan adalah seperti: "say", "tell", "ask, dan terkadang kita menggunakan "that" sebagai awal dari reported speech atau indirect speech ini. Dalam reported speech atau indirect speech tidak digunakan koma, atau kutip, karena bukan perkataan langsung dari penutur, hanya reporting saja terhadap apa yang dikatakan penutur.
(Reported speech or indirect speech is usually used to talk about events in the past, so we have to change the tense of what is said. Verbs that are commonly used are: "say", "tell", "ask, and sometimes we use "that" as the beginning of this reported speech or indirect speech. In reported speech or indirect speech we do not use commas, or quotes, because not direct words from the speaker, only reporting on what the speaker said.)
She said, "I saw him." (direct speech) = She said that she had seen him. (indirect speech)
'That' may be omitted:
She told him that she was happy. = She told him she was happy.
Penggunaan 'SAY' dan 'TELL'
- Gunakan "say" ketika tidak ada objek langsung (Use 'say' when there is no indirect object):
- He said that he was tired.
- Always use 'tell' when you say who was being spoken to (i.e. with an indirect object):
- He told me that he was tired.
Penggunaan 'TALK' dan 'SPEAK'
- Gunakan kata kerja ini untuk menggambarkan pekerjaan dalam berkomunikasi (Use these verbs to describe the action of communicating):
- He talked to us.
- She was speaking on the telephone.
- Gunakan kata kerja ini dengan kata "about" untuk merujuk tentang apa yang di katakan (Use these verbs with 'about' to refer to what was said):
-He talked (to us) about his parents.
1. Indirect Speech Statement (pernyataan)
Perhatikan ketentuan-ketentuan berikut: (Pay attention to the following conditions:)
1. Direct speech yang di ubah menjadi indirect speech tidak akan mengalami perubahan tense jika induk kalimatnya memakai bentuk: Present Tense, Present Perfect, dan Future Tense. (Direct speech that is changed to indirect speech will not change the tense if the main sentence uses the following forms: Present Tense, Present Perfect, and Future Tense.)Contoh:
- Present Tense:
Indirect speech: Ali says that he is a student
- Perfect Tense
Direct Speech: Udin has said to me, " Amir writes a letter"
Indirect speech: Udin has told me that Amir writes a letter
- Future Tense
Direct Speech: Andi will say, "Nobody is late"
Indirect speech: Andi will say that nobody is late.
2. Jika direct speech dalam bentuk past, maka indirect speech mengalami perubahan tense. (If direct speech is in the past form, then indirect speech changes in tense.)
Begitupun dengan penggunaan keterangan waktu dan tempat akan berubah sebagai berikut: (Likewise, the use of time and place adverbs will change as follows:)
2. Indirect Speech Imperative/Request(Perintah/Permohonan)
- menggunakan kata kerja bentu I (to infinitive)
- Menambahkan "please" agar lebih sopan
- menggunakan "not + to infinitive" untuk larangan
- Menggunakan kata seperti: "told", "order", atau "commanded". Sedangkan yang bersifat permintaan menggunakan "asked'
- Kata ganti berubah
- Direct Speech: He asked me, "Open the door, Please!"
- Indirect Speech: He asked me to open the door"
3. Indirect Speech Question (Pertanyaan)
A. Pertanyaan di awali dengan kata tanya: who, what, when, where, etc
- Kata tanya tetap dipakai dalam Indirect speech
- susunan pertanyaan indirect speech mengikuti aturan susunan pernyataan (S-V-)
- perubahan tense mengikuti ketentuan seperti biasa (Diatas telah dijelaskan)
- Direct Speech: Ratna said to Anis, "What are you doing?"
- Indirect Speech: Ratna asked Anis what she was doing.
- menggunakan "if" atau "whether" dalam indirect speech
- susunan pertanyaan indirect speech mengikuti aturan susunan pernyataan (S-V-)
- Direct Speech: Yusuf asked me, "Can you help me?"
- Indirect Speech: Yusuf asked me if (whether) I could you help him?"
- must dalam bentuk present menjadi had to
- must dalam future tense menjadi would have to
- must dalam kalimat larangan / hukuman menjadi musn't/wasn't to
- kebenaran umum tidak mengalami perubahan tense
- Offers (menawarkan)
- Let's (Biasanya ajakan menjadi saran)
- Exclamation (seruan, keheranan, kagum dan sebagainya) harus menjadi pernyataan dalam indirect speech
- Yes / No questions
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